
Writing Tips - How To Find Inspirations and Topic Ideas for Your Next Blog Post

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The more you blog, the harder it can be to come up with fresh ideas and topics to write about. Two of the most important parts of a blog are compelling content and frequent updates. Take a look at the following blog post ideas to spark your creative juices when you can't think of what to write about. Just remember to try to apply each of these ideas appropriately to your blog topic. 

1. Breaking News Review
What's going on in the world or China? What's the latest breaking news around the world and your country? Write a blog about any interesting news you read. 

2. Views or Reviews about Books, Movie, Softwares...
You can write a review of just about anything on your blog. Take a look at the following suggestions: 
Book, Movies, Music, Software, Websites, Products, Sights, etc... 
The possibilities are nearly endless. Just think of something you've tried and write about your experience and thoughts. 

3. Translation
There are many interesting Chinese news or articles on Sina, Sohu, Blogs, Tianya Forum, RenRen and other social bookmarking sites. You can translate them from Chinese into English, and write review. 

4. How-to 
People love to find easy-to-follow instructions to help them accomplish a task. Whether you want to teach your readers how to throw the perfect curve ball or how to avoid getting bitten by a mosquito, the choice is yours. 
Write a post to share tips to help your readers accomplish something in an easier and faster or cheaper way can help you to get a lot of visitors. 

5. Podcasts
Sometimes it's easier to talk about something than it is to write about it. If that's the case, try audio blogging and post a podcast. 

6. Interviews 
Interview a prominent figure or expert in your blog topic then publish a blog post about it. 

7. Answer Reader Questions or Comments
Look back through the comments left by your readers and find any questions or statements that can be used to spark a new post.


8. Just Write What in Your Mind. Just Share Your Life and Experience with Others.

Related article: 

Why You Should Start an English Blog Now (Even If You’re Not a Writer)

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