English Corner

Writing the Literary Analysis

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Part A: Writing the Literary Analysis
I. What is Literary Analysis?
It’s literary
It’s an analysis
It’s An Argument!
It may also involve research on and analysis of secondary sources
II. How is it “literary”?
Usually, a literary analysis will involve a discussion of a text as writing, thus the term literary, which means “having to do with letters.”This will involve the use of certain concepts that are very specifically associated with literature
III. Important literary concepts
a. The Basics: Plot, Setting, Narration/point of view, Characterization, Symbol, Metaphor, Genre, Irony/ambiguity
b. Other key concepts: Historical context, Social, political, economic contexts, Ideology, Multiple voices, Various critical orientations, Literary theory
IV. What is an Analysis?
An analysis of a literary work may discuss:
* How the various components of an individual work relate to each other.
* How two separate literary works deal with similar concepts or forms.
* How concepts and forms in literary works relate to larger aesthetic, political, social, economic, or religious contexts
V. How is a literary analysis an argument?
When writing a literary analysis, you will focus on specific attribute(s) of the text(s). When discussing these attributes, you will want to make sure that you are making a specific, arguable point (thesis) about these attributes. You will defend this point with reasons and evidence drawn from the text. (Much like a lawyer!)
Which is the best thesis statement?
* Moby-Dick is about the problem of evil.
* Moby-Dick is boring and pointless.
* Moby-Dick is about a big, white whale.
* The use of “whiteness” in Moby-Dick illustrates the uncertainty about the meaning of life that Ishmael expresses throughout the novel.
VI. How do I support a thesis statement?
* Examples from the text.
* Direct quotations
* Summaries of scenes
* Paraphrase
* Other critics’ opinions
* Historical and social context
Always remember to read carefully and highlight useful passages and quotes!
VII. What is a secondary source?
* A book or article that discusses the text you are discussing
* A book or article that discusses a theory related to the argument you are making
* A book or article that discusses the social and historical context of the text you are discussing
VIII. How do I find secondary sources?
* MLA International Bibliography
* Dictionary of Literary Biography
* Discipline-specific sources
* A bibliography that is part of your text
* Ask someone who knows
IX. Integrating secondary sources
When you use secondary sources, be sure to show how they relate to your thesis. Don’t overuse any one secondary source, or for that matter, secondary sources in general. Remember that this is your paper, your argument—the secondary sources are just helping you out. Never, never, never plagiarize!
X. Overview of Literary Analysis
When writing a literary analysis:
* Be familiar with literary terms
* Analyze specific items
* Make an a argument
* Make appropriate use of secondary sources
* Consult instructors and tutors for help when needed

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