
雅思写作范文:study a subject

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  If you could study a subject that you have never had the opportunity to study, what would you choose? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.

  If I would have the opportunity to study a subject I do not know yet I would choose to study the outer space. I have a Bachelor degree in Management and I like to have the possibilities to work in this field. However, I was always interested in the space exploration.

  I think, it is a very interesting and challenging job to work on a space ship, gathering different kinds of information, probes and specimens. Many people think that these kinds of experiments are a waste of money and time. Nevertheless, I believe that humankind is making steps forward by domesticating space. We need to know what is beyond our solar system. We need to know what is beyond our universe.

  Another important aspect of studding the space is that scientists are always about to make new discoveries there and they do them. I think it is a great feeling to give people new knowledge, opportunities and experience. Scientists often find and study new constellations, they launch satellites and monitor them from land.

  When I was a child I collected stamps and cards with a space subject and I dreamed that someday I would be able to make a flight into an outer space. However, my plans changed but my dream has not vanished. I believe that in a few years people will be able to visit the space just like they go to a museum now.

  To sum up, I think  that studding a space would give me self-realization, more opportunities to grow and more goals to achieve.

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