
范文:The profession I would like to take up

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  你长大后想从事什么样的职业?选择你最想作的一种工作写一篇100字左右的英语短文。在文中谈谈你为什么要选择这种职业的理由以及这种职业的特点。文章的题目是“The profession I would like to take up”。


  The profession I would like to take up

  In this society, we can choose between many professions. For example, one can be a worker, a teacher, a clerk, a novelist, a journalist, a doctor, a singer or a nurse. Which profession I like most? Among all, I think, when I grow up, I wish to be a teacher.

  In my eyes, teaching is the most important and noblest profession in the world.

  Of all the professions, maybe it's not the most successful one, but in terms of the cultivation of intellectual powers, none is more decisive than teaching. Whether a country is strong or weak depends on the general level of education of her citizens, therefore, teachers play an important role in society.

  Teachers need to have a wide knowledge. That is why a prospective teacher should remember that knowledge is a matter of scientific learning and neither dishonesty nor conceit is permitted. On the contrary, what is required is honesty and modesty.



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