
范文:Foreign Language Learning

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  Foreign Language Learning

  Learning foreign language is of great significance today. The mastery of foreign languages enables us to communicate with people of other countries, achieve mutual understanding and further our trading contact, economic cooperation, and cultural and academic exchange with other countries. By means of foreign languages, we read foreign books, documents and data in original, draw new ideas and fresh thoughts, and introduce advanced science and technology into our country. So foreign languages are playing an important role in our efforts to enlarge China's influence and make greater contribution to mankind.

  To learn a foreign language can be fun.

  There is great popular interest in foreign languages learning in our country. More and more people start to learn foreign languages. Every where we can see people reading aloud English and listening to a tape-recorder. And there are English corners an clubs where language learners seize the chance to practise speaking. To satisfy people's need, many foreign textbooks and references have been introduced into our country. Equally remarkable are foreign language programs on TV that attract a large audience.

  The mastery of foreign language needs painstaking efforts. One can never have a good command of it overnight. On the contrary, he has to spend enough time an take great pains before he can make real progress. It is not unusual that in the face of difficulties, a person gets so frustrated as to give in. But where there is a will, there is a way. So long as you persevere in your learning and practise hard, you will surely bring your study to fruition.

  No pains, no gains.


  本文从题目所给的三个方面进行论述。首段用了“communicate, achieve, further…”等一系列动词列举了学习外语的重大意义。第二段则举出若干例证证实了中国出现的外语热。末段用了“有志者事竞成”这一格言,指出只要坚持不懈,必然会学有所成。全文层次分明,语气客观,用词严谨。

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