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Great-Grandfather Yee


  Great-grandfather Yee is my mother's grand-Father. He was the third son of the family. His Father was a railroad worker in the United States In the 1580's.Famine, poverty, and political Unrest in Mainland China spurred many Chinese To California. And stories of jobs, gold, and rich Fertile farming land spread fast at home in China. Consequently, many people wanted to come to The United States. At the age of 17 my great-Grandfather and his three brothers and friends Sailed across the Pacific Ocean in one small Chinese boat. He returned to China only three Times and only for a brief interval. He had Kung-Fu and often told us of his life. He had Great pride in being independent his eyes Weakened as he got older. One day he fell down From stairs, and he died in the hospital at the age Of 88. He loved to laugh and play in small Children's games. This is how I remember him with warmth.

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本文标题:短篇英语范文【66】外曾祖父 - 英语作文范文_英语作文万能句子_英语作文模板


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