
John Maeda 谈简单生活法则-Ted英语演讲(双语演讲稿)

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麻省理工学院媒体实验室的John Maeda生活在技术与艺术的十字路口,是个非常复杂的地方。演讲中他谈到简化回归到事物基本面的相关议题。
关于John Maeda:John Maeda是罗德岛设计学院院长,致力于使设计和技术产生联系。藉由所创作的软体工具、网页和书籍,他向世人传播了他的优雅简单哲学。

John Maeda: Designing for simplicity英语演讲稿带中文翻译:

On simplicity. What a great way to start. First of all, I've been watching this trend where we have these books like such and such "For Dummies." Do you know these books, these such and such "For Dummies?" My daughters pointed out that I'm very similar looking, so this is a bit of a problem. (Laughter) But I was looking online at for other books like this. You know, there's also something called the "Complete Idiot's Guide?" There's a sort of business model around being stupid in some sense. We like to have technology make us feel bad, for some strange reason.
简单,多么棒的开场! 首先,我一直都在关注这个趋势 市面上不也有很多像是"傻瓜也会..."的这类书吗? 你知道这类书吗?教你一学就上手的指南 我女儿说我长得很像这书中的傻瓜,听起来不太妙... (笑声) 我也在亚马逊的网站上搜寻这样的书 你知道吗?甚至还有"白痴大全"呢? 似乎有些商业模式本身就蛮愚蠢的 而不知什么原因,我们也喜欢拥有让自己感觉很糟的科技

But I really like that, so I wrote a book called "The Laws of Simplicity." I was in Milan last week, for the Italian launch. It's kind of a book about questions, questions about simplicity. Very few answers. I'm also wondering myself, what is simplicity? Is it good? Is it bad? Is complexity better? I'm not sure.
我也喜欢,所以我写了一本书叫做"简单的法则" 为了这本新书在意大利上市,上周我到米兰 这本书提了很多问题,都是关于简单 但是答案很少。我也常问自己,到底简单是什么? 简单是好事?是坏事?复杂点会不会更好?我不知道

After I wrote "The Laws of Simplicity," I was very tired of simplicity, as you can imagine. And so in my life, I've discovered that vacation is the most important skill for any kind of over-achiever. Because your companies will always take away your life, but they can never take away your vacation -- in theory. (Laughter)
但当我写完这本"简单的法则"时 不难想象,我对这二个字有多厌惓 同时,我也发现 好好渡个假对于工作狂来说绝对是最重要的技能 因为工作总是占用你的生活 但绝无法夺走你的假期....理论上来说 (笑声)

So, I went to the Cape last summer to hide from simplicity, and I went to the Gap, because I only have black pants. So I went and bought khaki shorts or whatever, and unfortunately, their branding was all about "Keep It Simple." (Laughter) I opened up a magazine, and Visa's branding was, "Business Takes Simplicity." I develop photographs, and Kodak said, "Keep It Simple." So, I felt kind of weird that simplicity was sort of following me around.
为了躲避"简单",去年夏天我跑去鳕鱼角渡假 得去GAP逛逛,因为我只有黑色裤子 想买些卡其布的衣服短裤之类的 没想到,GAP的品牌代表着"保持简单" (笑声) 我翻开杂志,Visa 的品牌形象是 "商业在于简单" 连去洗相片时,柯达的广告还是"保持简单" 奇怪,怎么简单这二个字到处都是

So, I turned on the TV, and I don't watch TV very much, but you know this person? This is Paris Hilton, apparently. And she has this show, "The Simple Life." So I watched this. It's not very simple, a little bit confusing. (Laughter) So, I looked for a different show to watch. So, I opened up this TV Guide thing, and on the E! channel, this "Simple Life" show is very popular. They'll play it over, and over, and over. (Laughter) So it was traumatizing, actually.
打开电视,其实我不常看电视的 这个人Paris Hilton,显然你们都知道她 她主持"简单生活"这个节目 我看了,嗯,内容不太简单,好像还有点复杂 (笑声) 所以我想看其他节目 打开电视节目指南 啊,是E!频道!看来"简单生活"很红呢 所以E!频道不断回放 (笑声) 总之,真是种精神折磨

So, I wanted to escape again, so I went out to my car. And Cape Cod, there are idyllic roads, and all of us can drive in this room. And when you drive, these signs are very important. It's a very simple sign, it says, "road" and "road approaching." So I'm mostly driving along, okay, and then I saw this sign. (Laughter) So, I thought complexity was attacking me suddenly, so I thought, "Ah, simplicity. Very important."
所以我决定再度逃走,开了车 到了鳕鱼角,那有田园诗般的美丽道路,所有人都能在这环境中享受开车乐趣 当然,开车时交通标志很重要的 简单的标志,只写着"道路"及"分叉路" 大部份时间我延着路一直开,都没什么问题,直到看到这个 (笑声) 我想复杂是不是突然间开始袭击我? 我又想:嗯!简单...原来真的很重要

But then I thought, "Oh, simplicity. What would that be like on a beach? What if the sky was 41 percent gray? Wouldn't that be the perfect sky?" I mean that simplicity sky. But in reality, the sky looked like this. It was a beautiful, complex sky.
我又想:简单,在海摊上又会是什么样呢 41%的灰色天空,会不会更美好呢? 我是说简单一点的天空 但事实上,天空是长这样的,很美,也很复杂

You know, with the pinks and blues. We can't help but love complexity. We're human beings: we love complex things. We love relationships -- very complex. So we love this kind of stuff.
你看,粉红色和蓝色混合着,怎么可能不爱呢? 我们是人,人都爱复杂的东西 我们喜欢搞关系,搞复杂,我们就是热爱这种复杂事物

I'm at this place called the Media Lab. Maybe some of you guys have heard of this place. It's designed by I. M. Pei, one of the premier modernist architects. Modernism means white box, and it's a perfect white box. (Laughter) And some of you guys are entrepreneurs, etc., whatever. Last month, I was at Google, and, boy, that cafeteria, man. You guys have things here in Silicon Valley like stock options. See, in academia, we get titles, lots of titles.
这是"媒体实验室",我工作的地方 也许有些人听过 贝聿铭设计的,一个顶尖的现代主义建筑师 现代主义指的是这白色箱子,一个完美的白色箱子 (笑声) 你们之中,也许有些人是创业家,企业家之类的 上个月我在Google,天啊!那咖啡厅真棒! 在硅谷,科技界有"股票选择权" 而在学术界,我们则有头衔,很多很多的头衔

Last year at TED, these were all my titles. I had a lot of titles. I have a default title as a father of a bunch of daughters. This year at TED, I'm happy to report that I have new titles, in addition to my previous titles. Another "Associate Director of Research." And this also happened, so I have five daughters now. (Laughter) That's my baby Reina. (Applause) Thank you. And so, my life is much more complex because of the baby, actually, but that's okay. We will still stay married, I think.
这是去年在TED论坛上,这些都是我的头衔,多得数不完的头衔 还有个不在枱面上的,一堆女儿的父亲 今年同样在这论坛上,我很高兴告诉大家,我又有新的头衔 除了已有的头衔外 还有一个是研究室主任  这个也是新加的,所以我有五个女儿啰 (笑声) 我的女儿Reina,谢谢 事实上我的生活因为她而变得更加复杂 但是没关系,我们会继续维持婚姻关系的,我想会的

But looking way back, when I was a child -- you see, I grew up in a tofu factory in Seattle. Many of you may not like tofu because you haven't had good tofu, but tofu's a good food. It's a very simple kind of food. It's very hard work to make tofu. As a child, we used to wake up at 1 a.m. and work till 6 p.m., six days a week. My father was kind of like Andy Grove, paranoid of the competition. So often, seven days a week. Family business equals child labor.
不过,回想我小时候 我在西雅图一个豆腐工厂长大 你们很多人可能不喜欢豆腐,那是因为你们没吃过真正好吃的豆腐 豆腐真的很棒,它是一种简单的食物 但制作豆腐的过程却非常辛苦 小时候,我们通常从早上1点工作到晚上6点,一周工作六天 我父亲是像Andy Grove 一样,不喜欢认输 所以经常,一周工作七天,家族企业其实都是童工

We were a great model. So, I loved going to school. School was great, and maybe going to school helped me get to this Media Lab place, I'm not sure. (Laughter) Thank you. But the Media Lab is an interesting place, and it's important to me because as a student, I was a computer science undergrad, and I discovered design later on in my life.
我们树立一个良好典范。我也爱上学 学校生活很棒,也许上学 才让我有机会到媒体实验室这样的地方,我不知道 (笑声) 谢谢 媒体实验室是个有趣的地方,对我来说很重要 大学时,我主修信息计算机 之后,才开始接触设计

And there was this person, Muriel Cooper. Who knows Muriel Cooper? Muriel Cooper? Wasn't she amazing? Muriel Cooper. She was wacky. And she was a TEDster, exactly, and she showed us, she showed the world how to make the computer beautiful again. And she's very important in my life, because she's the one that told me to leave MIT and go to art school. It was the best advice I ever got. So I went to art school, because of her. She passed away in 1994, and I was hired back to MIT to try to fill her shoes, but it's so hard. This amazing person, Muriel Cooper.
这个人Muriel Cooper 有谁听过她吗?Muriel Cooper? 她很令人惊讶吧,Muriel Cooper,也是个怪胎 她还是个TED人,事实上,她告诉我们 我们所有人,计算机也可以很美的 同时,她也是我生命中很重要的人 因为就是她劝我离开MIT,去念艺术学校的 这是我听过最好的建议,我会去念艺术学校,是因为她 1994年她过世了 之后,MIT聘请我回去接替她的位子,但这位子实在太难坐了 就是这个了不起的人,Muriel Cooper

When I was in Japan -- I went to an art school in Japan -- I had a nice sort of situation, because somehow I was connected to Paul Rand. Some of you guys know Paul Rand, the greatest graphic designer -- I'm sorry -- out there. The great graphic designer Paul Rand designed the IBM logo, the Westinghouse logo. He basically said, "I've designed everything." And also Ikko Tanaka was a very important mentor in my life -- the Paul Rand of Japan. He designed most of the major icons of Japan, like Issey Miyake's brand and also Muji.
当我在日本时,我去那的一间艺术学校 那是个很棒的经历,因为和Paul Rand有点关系 你们有些人可能知道他 最棒的平面设计师,抱歉,我是说除了你们之外 最棒的平面设计师Paul Rand IBM, 西屋的商标都是他的杰作 基本上他说过"我可以设计任何东西" Ikko Tanaka是我人生中一个很重要的导师 他被称为日本的Paul Rand。日本企业有名的商标都出自他手 像是三宅一生,还有无印良品

When you have mentors -- and yesterday, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar talked about mentors, these people in your life -- the problem with mentors is that they all die. This is a sad thing, but it's actually a happy thing in a way, because you can remember them in their pure form. I think that the mentors that we all meet sort of humanize us. When you get older, and you're all freaked out, whatever, the mentors calm us down. And I'm grateful for my mentors, and I'm sure all of you are too.
当你生命中出现导师,昨天 Kareen Abdul-Jabbar 谈论到导师 这些人曾出现在你的生命中,问题是现在他们都不在了 这当然令人伤心,但某些方面也是好事 因为你总是记得他们最好的一面 他们总能在某方面教化我们 当你年岁渐长,当你不知所措时 他们让我们的心平静下来 我很感谢这些曾出现在我生命中的导师,我相信你们也是

Because the human thing is very hard when you're at MIT. The T doesn't stand for "human," it stands for "technology." And because of that, I always wondered about this human thing. So, I've always been Googling this word, "human," to find out how many hits I get. And in 2001, I had 26 million hits, and for "computer," because computers are against humans a bit,
因为"人际关系"在MIT里是很难经营的 "T"代表的是"科技",不是"人" 也因为如此,我总是对人有关的事物感到好奇 所以我在网络上Google "人" 想知道我能找到多少答案 2001年我Google到2600万笔,至于"计算机" 计算机某种程度似乎和人类是相对的

I have 42 million hits. Let me do an Al Gore here. So, if you sort of compare that, like this, you'll see that computer versus human -- I've been tracking this for the last year -- computer versus human over the last year has changed. It used to be kind of two to one. Now, humans are catching up. Very good, us humans! We're catching up with the computers. In the simplicity realm, it's also interesting. So if you compare complexities to simplicity, it's also catching up in a way, too. So, somehow humans and simplicity are intertwined, I think.
我Google 到4200万笔。让我当一下高尔吧! 如果做个比较,像这样 你会发现"计算机"对"人类" 过去一年来我一直在追踪这个数据 "计算机"对"人类"的比例在过去一年中发生了变化 以前大约是2比1吧!现在"人类"的数字增加了 太好了,我们人类,迎头赶上计算机啰 在简单的领域中,蛮有趣的 如果比较"复杂"对"简单" 你会发现简单也以同样方式追上来 因此,不知不觉中,人类和简单是交织在一起的

I have a confession: I'm not a man of simplicity. I spent my entire early career making complex stuff. Lots of complex stuff. I wrote computer programs to make complex graphics like this. I had clients in Japan to make really complex stuff like this. And I've always felt bad about it, in a sense. So, I hid in a time dimension. I built things in a time-graphics dimension. I did this series of calendars for Shiseido. This is a floral theme calendar in 1997, and this is a firework calendar. So, you launch the number into space, because the Japanese believe that when you see fireworks, you're cooler for some reason. This is why they have fireworks in the summer. A very extreme culture. Lastly, this is a fall-based calendar, because I have so many leaves in my yard. So this is the leaves in my yard, essentially.
我要坦白一件事,我并非一个简单的人 早期的职业生涯我都在做复杂的事 很多复杂的事 我写的计算机程序形成这样复杂的图形 日本有个客户要我做出像这样复杂的东西 对这一切,我常觉得很糟 所以我将这些藏在时间维度里 创造了一些具有时间维度的图形 这是我为资生堂设计的日历 这是97年以花为主题的日历 这是烟火日历,你看数字在空中发射 日本人相信当你看见烟火时 基于某些原因你会变得冷静 也就是为什么他们会在夏天放烟火 一个相当特别的文化 最后一个,以秋天为背景的日历 因为我的院子里有太多的落叶 所以这些基本上都是我院子里的落叶

And so I made a lot of these types of things. I've been lucky to have been there before people made these kind of things, and so I made all this kind of stuff that messes with your eyes. I feel kind of bad about that. Tomorrow, Paola Antonelli is speaking. I love Paola. She has this show right now at MoMA, where some of these early works are here on display at MoMA, on the walls. If you're in New York, please go and see that.
我也做了很多这类型的设计 很幸运地,我有这些经验 只是这些令人眼花撩乱的东西 让我感觉不是很好 明天Paola Antonelli 要来演讲,我可是她的粉丝 纽约现代艺术博物馆正展出 她早期的一些作品,就挂在墙上 如果到了纽约,记得一定要去看看

But I've had a problem, because I make all this flying stuff and people say, "Oh, I know your work. You're the guy that makes eye candy." And when you're told this, you feel kind of weird. "Eye candy" -- sort of pejorative, don't you think? So, I say, "No, I make eye meat," instead. (Laughter) And eye meat is something different, something more fibrous, something more powerful, perhaps. But what could that be, eye meat?
我一直有个问题,我做了这些会飞的东西 人们看到会说:喔!我知道你的作品 你是那个做"视觉特效"的家伙 每当我听到这些,总觉得怪怪的 "视觉特效"听起来有点轻蔑耶,你不觉得吗? 所以我总是回答"不,我做的是视觉红肉" (笑声) 视觉红肉听起来就不一样啰,它有更多纤维 看起来也更为有力,或许吧,不然它还会是什么样呢?

I've been interested in computer programs all my life, actually. Computer programs are essentially trees, and when you make art with a computer program, there's kind of a problem. Whenever you make art with a computer program, you're always on the tree, and the paradox is that for excellent art, you want to be off the tree. So, this is sort of a complication I've found.
事实上,我一直对计算机程序很感兴趣 计算机程序事实上就是树形图 但当你用计算机程序创作艺术时,问题就来了 因为当你这么做时 你总是离不开树形图,而矛盾的是 为了创造好的艺术,你一定得脱离这树形图 这是我发现的一种"复杂"

So, to get off the tree, I began to use my old computers. I took these to Tokyo in 2001 to make computer objects. This is a new way to type, on my old, color Classic. You can't type very much on this. I also discovered that an IR mouse responds to CRT emissions and starts to move by itself, so this is a self-drawing machine. And also, one year, the G3 Bondi Blue thing -- that caddy would come out, like, dangerous, like, "whack," like that. But I thought, "This is very interesting. What if I make like a car crash test?" So I have a crash test. (Laughter) And sort of measure the impact. Stuff like this are things I made, just to sort of understand what these things are. (Laughter)

为了摆脱这些树形图,我开始用以前的旧计算机 2001年时我把这些带去东京制作计算机产品 这是一种新的输入方式,用我的旧计算机 其实是无法输入太多东西的 我还发现一个红外线鼠标能感应CRT显示器的射线 而且它还能自己移动,活像个自动绘图机 有一年,这个像iMac G3 bondi 蓝色的东西 这小盒子会发出像"危险"或撞击的声音,像这样 我觉得这超有趣的,如果我也来做个汽车撞击测试呢? 我真做了 (笑声) 为了想测量影响程度,我还做了这东西 做这些就只是想了解而已 (笑声)

Shortly after this, 9/11 happened, and I was very depressed. I was concerned with contemporary art that was all about piss, and sort of really sad things, and so I wanted to think about something happy. So I focused on food as my area -- these sort of clementine peel things. In Japan, it's a wonderful thing to remove the clementine peel just in one piece. Who's done that before? One-piece clementine? Oh, you guys are missing out, if you haven't done it yet. It was very good, and I discovered I can make sculptures out of this, actually, in different forms. If you dry them quick, you can make, like, elephants and steers and stuff, and my wife didn't like these, because they mold, so I had to stop that.

不久后,911事爆发,这事让我很难过 我所在意的当代艺术 全是些鸡毛蒜皮的小事,还有令人伤心的事 所以我想找些快乐的事 像是吃的东西 这些剥橘子之类的事 在日本,剥橘子是件很棒的事 剥成一整片,谁会这么无聊呢?剥成一整片? 如果你还没做过,那可错失很多乐趣啰 很好玩的,我发现我能雕塑成不同形状 事实上,是完全不同的东西 如果把它迅速干燥后,你可以做成大象,方向盘等很多东西 我太太不喜欢这些,因为它们会发霉,所以我得停止

So, I went back to the computer, and I bought five large fries, and scanned them all. And I was looking for some kind of food theme, and I wrote some software to automatically lay out french-fry images. And as a child, I'd hear that song, you know, "Oh, beautiful, for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain," so I made this amber waves image. It's sort of a Midwest cornfield out of french fries.

所以我回到计算机上,我买了5包薯条 同时将它们扫描,想从中找到和食物相关的主题 我还写了软件让它可以自动呈现薯条影像 小时候,我曾听过一首歌,你知道的 美哉此地,天高空广,粮食如浪金黄 所以我想把"粮食如浪金黄"呈现出来 这是用薯条做的中西部的玉米田

And also, as a child, I was the fattest kid in class, so I used to love Cheetos. Oh, I love Cheetos, yummy. So, I wanted to play with Cheetos in some way. I wasn't sure where to go with this. I invented Cheeto paint. Cheeto paint is a very simple way to paint with Cheetos. (Laughter) I discovered that Cheetos are good, expressive material. And with these Cheetos, I began to think, "What can I make with these Cheetos?"

小时候,我总是班上最胖的小孩 因为我超爱"奇多"香脆棒的,天啊,真是美味! 所以我要以某种方式玩"奇多" 我不知道应该如何做,但我发明了"奇多"颜科 用奇多颜料来画奇多应该是再简单不过了吧 (笑声) 我发现奇多是一种非常好的表现材料 看着这些我开始思考 我应该怎样来使用这些奇多呢?

And so, I began to crinkle up potato chip flecks, and also pretzels. I was looking for some kind of form, and in the end, I made 100 butter-fries. Do you get it? (Laughter) And each butter-fry is composed of different pieces. People ask me how they make the antenna. Sometimes, they find a hair in the food. That's my hair. My hair's clean -- it's okay.

于是我开始让薯片一片片排列,还有德国椒盐蝴蝶脆饼, 我想找某种形式 最后我做了100只薯条蝴蝶,你看到了吗? (笑声) 而且每只蝴蝶都是由不同碎片组成的 有人问我这触角怎么做的 有时可能会在这些食物中发现头发;哈!那是我的头发 别担心,我的头发很干净的

I'm a tenured professor, which means, basically, I don't have to work anymore. It's a strange business model. I can come into work everyday and staple five pieces of paper and just stare at it with my latte. End of story. (Laughter) But I realized that life could be very boring, so I've been thinking about life, and I notice that my camera -- my digital camera versus my car, a very strange thing. The car is so big, the camera is so small, yet the manual for the camera is so much bigger than the car manual. It doesn't make any sense. (Laughter)

我是一个终身教授,什么意思呢?基本上,我可以不用工作了 很奇怪的商业模式,我每天进到办公室 把五张纸订在一起,一边盯着它,一边享用我的拿铁 一天就这样过了 (笑声) 但我意识到这样的生活可能会很无聊 所以我一直思考着生活,突然注意到我的相机 数字相机和我的车,我发现一件奇怪的事 车子这么大,相机这么小 不过相机手册却比车子的大的多 实在是不合理 (笑声)

So, I was in the Cape one time, and I typed the word "simplicity," and I discovered, in this weird, M. Night Shyamalan way, that I discovered [the] letters, M, I, T. You know the word? In the words "simplicity" and "complexity," M, I, T occur in perfect sequence. It's a bit eerie, isn't it? So, I thought, maybe I'll do this for the next twenty years or something.
有次我在鳕鱼角,输入"简单"这个字 我发现,用奇怪的奈特沙马兰方式, 我发现字母「M-I-T」,你知道这个字吧? 在"简单"及"复杂"这两个字中,"M-I-T"出现完美序列 很怪吧,是吧? 所以我想往后20年我会为这巧合做些什么

And I wrote this book, "The Laws of Simplicity." It's a very short, simple book. There are ten laws and three keys. The ten laws and three keys -- I won't go over them because that's why I have a book, and also that's why it's on the Web for free. But the laws are kind of like sushi in a way: there are all kinds. In Japan, they say that sushi is challenging. You know the uni is the most challenging, so number ten is challenging. People hate number ten like they hate uni, actually. The three keys are easy to eat, so this is anago, cooked already, so easy to eat. So enjoy your sushi meal later, with the laws of simplicity. Because I want to simplify them for you. Because that's what this is about. I have to simplify this thing.
所以我写了这本书"简单的法则" 很短,很简单的一本书,共有十个法则三个关键 关于这十个法则三个关键,我就不多说了,因为那是为什么我写这本书 同时也让人免费在网络上阅读 但这些法则像寿司一样,有各式各样的 在日本,人们认为寿司是一种挑战 如同你所知的,数字一是最挑战的,十也是 事实上,人们讨厌数字十就像他们痛恨一是一样的 这三个关键很容易了解,这是星鳗,煮好的星鳗,可以吃了 所以稍后再随着简单法则,享用你的寿司吧! 因为我想将它们再简单化 这是我想说的,再简单化

So, if I simplify the laws of simplicity, I have what's called the cookie versus laundry thing. Anyone who has kids knows that if you offer a kid a big cookie or a small cookie, which cookie are they going to take? The big cookie. You can say the small cookie has Godiva chocolate bits in it, but it doesn't work. They want the big cookie. But if you offer kids two piles of laundry to fold, the small pile or the big pile, which will they choose?
所以,如果我简化了简单的法则 而有了饼干对衣服的理论 任何有孩子都人都知道,如果让小孩选择 一块大的或一块小的饼干 他们会选那一个?当然是大块的 即使你告诉他们,小块饼干里有Godiva巧克力 没用的,他们还是要大块的 但如果你给小孩选择二堆要折的衣服 小堆的或大堆的,他们会选那一堆?

Strangely, not the big pile. So, I think it's as simple as this. You know, when you want more, it's because you want to enjoy it. When you want less, it's because it's about work. And so, to boil it all down, simplicity is about living life with more enjoyment and less pain. I think this is sort of simple more versus less. Basically, it always depends. This book I wrote because I want to figure out life. I love life. I love being alive. I like to see things. And so life is a big question, I think, in simplicity, because you're trying to simplify your life.
奇怪,一定不是大堆的。我想理由再简单不过 当你想要更多,那是因为你想要享受它 当你不想要那么多,那是因为和工作有关 所以,总结来说,简单和生活有关 多一点享受,少一些痛苦 我觉得"多对少"本身就是一种简单 因为它总是依情况而定 我之所以写这本书是因为我想参透生活 我爱生活,我享受活着的感觉,我喜欢了解事情 生活是人生大问题,我想问题就在于简单 因为人总是想简单过生活

And I just love to see the world. The world is an amazing place. By being at TED, we see so many things at one time. And I can't help but enjoy looking at everything in the world. Like everything you see, every time you wake up. It's such a joy to sort of experience everything in the world. From everything from a weird hotel lobby, to Saran wrap placed over your window, to this moment where I had my road in front of my house paved dark black, and this white moth was sitting there dying in the sun.
像我只是喜欢看世界,世界是个了不起的地方 在TED演讲,我们可以同时看到这么多事 我无法抗拒去喜爱,去看着世上的一切 去喜欢所看见的每件事。每一次由睡梦中醒来 所有经历都是一种喜悦 每件事,即使是在奇怪的饭店大厅 到放在窗口的保鲜膜 这个时刻,我家前面的路是暗黑色的 有一只白蛾躺在那里死在阳光下

And so, this whole thing has struck me as exciting to be here, because life is finite. This was given to me by the chairman of Shiseido. He's an expert in aging. This horizontal axis is how old you are -- twelve years old, twenty-four years old, seventy-four, ninety-six years old -- and this is some medical data. So, brain strength increases up to 60, and then after 60, it sort of goes down. Kind of depressing in a way.
所有事都像在这一样让我兴奋 因为生命是有限的 这是资生堂的董事长给我的 他是个研究老化专家,横轴代表年纪 12岁、24岁、74岁、96岁 而这是医疗数据,脑力在60岁时达到颠峰 过了60岁,开始往下,逐渐衰退

Also, if you look at your physical strength. You know, I have a lot of cocky freshmen at MIT, so I tell them, "Oh, your bodies are really getting stronger and stronger, but in your late twenties and mid-thirties, cells, they die." OK. It gets them to work harder, sometimes. And if you have your vision, vision is interesting. As you age from infant age, your vision gets better, and maybe in your late teens, early twenties, you're looking for a mate, and your vision goes after that. (Laughter)
同样地,来看看你的体力 你知道的,在MIT有许多不知天高天厚的新生,我总是告诉他们 现在你们很年轻,体力也愈来愈好 但是到了20岁末30岁中,身体的细胞,会逐渐老化,死亡 用这招激励他们努力用功,还挺管用的,不过是有时候啦! 但如果你有眼光,那很有趣 年龄由零开始成长,眼光也会愈变愈好 也许在你青少年,20岁初时,你寻找另一半 你的眼光从此走下坡 (笑声)

Your social responsibility is very interesting. So, as you get older, you may, like, have kids, whatever. And then the kids graduate, and you have no responsibility any more -- that's very good, too.
社会责任也很有意思 当你愈来愈年长,你可能会想要有小孩之类的 然后小孩长大,从学校毕业,你的责任也告一段落 那是很棒的人生经历

But if any of you people ask, "What actually goes up? Does anything go up? What's the positive part of this, you know?" I think wisdom always goes up. I love these eighty-year-old, ninety-year-old guys and women. They have so many thoughts, and they have so much wisdom, and I think -- you know, this TED thing, I've come here. And this is the fourth time, and I come here for this wisdom, I think. This whole TED effect, it sort of ups your wisdom, somehow. And I'm so glad to be here, and I'm very grateful to be here, Chris. And this is an amazing experience for me as well.
你们之中任何一个人可能会问 然后呢?有什么是会随着年龄增长的呢? 年龄渐长的好处又是什么?我会说是智慧的累积 我喜欢这些80岁,甚至90岁的老人 他们有如此多的想法,如此多的智慧 我觉得,你知道吗?这些TED的活动,我曾经参加过 这已经是第四次了,我想我是来这寻找智慧的 TED最大的影响,就某种程度而言,是提升个人的智慧 我很高兴能在这里,也很感谢有这机会,Chris 对我而言,这也是一个很棒的经验

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