
第82届奥斯卡最佳女主角Sandra Bullock获奖感言及演讲稿

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第82届奥斯卡最佳女主角Sandra Bullock桑德拉·布洛克获奖感言,获奖影片《弱点》,献给竞争对手和母亲们。

Did I really earn this or did I just wear you all down? I would like to thank the Academy for allowing me in the last month to have the most incredible ride with rooms full of artists that I see tonight and that I've worked with before and I hope to work with in the future, who inspire me and blaze trails for us. Four of them that I've fallen deeply in love with I share this night with and I share this award with. (不看文本,Sandra Bullock一张嘴的第一句话就很有听力难度,wear someone down,这里大概是说exhaust someone,“我是真的(凭本事)赢得了这个奖,还是你们被我烦死了(颁个奖给我了事)?”blaze trails,开拓,探路,原指在荒野里烧出一条路来,NBA开拓者队Trailblazers得名与此。)
Gabby, I love you so much. You are exquisite. You are beyond words to me. Carey, your grace and your elegance and your beauty and your talent makes me sick. Helen, I feel like we are family through family and I don't have the words to express just what I think of you. And Meryl, you know what I think of you and you are such a good kisser. (exquisite本意“精致的、细腻的”,如果大家见过Precious中的Gabby Sidibe,就会了解,这里的exquisite是带着感情色彩的,而不是一般意义上的精致了。you are such a good kisser这句尺度比较大了,应该是指在之前的美国影评人颁奖典礼上Bullock“强吻”Meryl Streep吧。看到有译为“你的吻功很不错”。You are such a good kisser一句也可以作为“英语中的动作名词化现象”的又一例子,不说you kiss so well,而说you are such a good kisser,这和he is a good reader有异曲同工之妙,只不过前者在课堂里肯定更能激起学生的兴趣。)
I have so many people to thank for my good fortune in this lifetime and this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, I know. To the family that allowed me to play them, the Tuohy family, I know they're in here and you'll probably hear her in a minute. Maybe not. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to... the family that made this film that gave me the opportunity to do something different. John Lee Hancock, Gil Netter, Alcon, Warner Bros., the actors, everyone who's shown me kindness when it wasn't fashionable, I thank you. To everyone who was mean to me when it wasn't... George Clooney threw me in a pool years ago. I'm still holding a grudge. But there's so many people to thank.
Not enough time, so I would like to thank what this film is about for me which are the moms that take care of the babies and the children no matter where they come from. Those moms and parents never get thanked. I, in particular, failed to thank one. So... if I can take this moment to thank Helga B. for not letting me ride in cars with boys until I was 18 because she was right. I would've done what she said I was gonna do. For making me practice every day when I got home. Piano, ballet, whatever it is I wanted to be. She said to be an artist, you had to practice every day, and for reminding her daughters that there's no race, no religion, no class system, no color, nothing, no sexual orientation that makes us better than anyone else. We are all deserving of love. So, to that trailblazer, who allowed me to have that. And this. And this. I thank you so much for this opportunity that I share with these extraordinary women and my lover Meryl Streep. Thank you.

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本文标题:第82届奥斯卡最佳女主角Sandra Bullock获奖感言及演讲稿 - 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿



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