Well, thank you very much, President. First of all, I want to thank President Gu for having me here, and I want to thank Mr. Qizhi for your kind introduction. Thank you very much.
非常感谢校长先生。首先,我要感谢顾校长对我的邀请,也感谢奇志先生的引荐。 谢谢!
It is wonderful to be here at this university. What a special place. I just looked around a little bit here,it's a gorgeous, gorgeous place. I want to congratulate you for going to this magnificent university here.
非常荣幸能够来到清华大学,这是一个非同寻常的地方。我刚才稍微环顾了一 下四周,发现这里真是美极了。我想祝贺在座的各位能够有机会来到这所杰出的学 府深造。
Now,the last time I was here in China was five years ago, and then I was promoting my movies. They had a movie festival here, the Arnold Schwarzenegger Movie Festival. I remember they showed all my movies for a week~which was a rarity, may I remind you—and they also showed the movies on television. But we also were here to promote Special Olympics, which is an organization that helps people with mental disabilities, so I was here for both reasons.
我上次来中国还是五年前,当时是为了电影宣传。这里曾举办过一个阿诺德 施瓦辛格电影节。我记得在电影节上连续一周放映我主演过的所有影片,我想说的 是,这种活动并不常见。另外,他们还通过电视播放这些影片。上次来这里也是为了宣传特殊奧林匹克运动会,它是为帮助智障人士而特别举办的,所以我上次是带 着双重目的来的。
But this time I'm here as the governor of the great state of California. I'm here representing the people of California, and we're here on a trade mission to see how we can do more business with China and to help each other, because both California is a very fast growing state, and China is a very fast growing country, and there are a lot of things that we can do for one another.
但是这一次,我则是以加利福利亚州州长的身份来到这里,代表加州民众来到 这里,此外我还肩负着重要的使命,那就是在互利合作的基础上同中国建立更多贸 易往来。加州是一个高速发展的州,而中国是一个高速发展的国家,而且我们都能 为彼此做点什么。
But I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to come here today and to talk with the young people; as a matter of fact, to the brightest young people of China. And this is why it is so great to be here at the Tsinghua University, and I'm honored that I was invited here.
不过,我不想错失今天来到这里同年轻人们进行交谈的好机会。实际上,你们 是中国最睿智的年轻人,所以今天很高兴能来到这里。另外,能受到贵校的邀请也 让我感到十分荣幸。
Now, I read a little bit about the history of Tsinghua, and I learned that actually this school originally prepared students to attend universities in America. Now,I also know that since the attack on our World Trade Centers it has become more and more difficult to go to the universities in America because you need to fill out all kinds of paperwork now and you have to get visas, and it’s very complicated, and you have to wait a much longer period of time to go over there. But let me tell you, things are improving already. I've heard that it’s easing up, the restrictions, and it's easier to get a visa. My young Chinese friends, I want to tell you that in case no one from America has ever invited you, let me do this right now personally. I want to warmly invite all of you here to come to the United States, and especially to come to California, because that’s the happening place. California is the best place.
我读过一些关于清华历史的书籍,我了解到这所大学最初是为了那些留美学生 创立的预科学校。同时我也知道,自从世贸大厦遭受袭击以来,到美国留学变得越 来越困难,因为你必须要填写各种文件才能获得签证,这个过程非常繁杂。但我要 告诉你们的是,情况正在不断改善。我听说限制条件正在变得宽松,获得签证也将变得更加容易。年轻的中国朋友们,我想告诉你们的是,如果以前没有一位美国人曾邀 请你们,那我现在就以个人的名义向你们发出邀请。我想热情邀请在座的各位到美国 去,特别是到加州去,因为加州是一片充满无限可能的土地,加州是最棒的地方。
Please come and visit us,we will welcome you. I invite you all to come there and to travel, to meet the American people, and to come there and study in our universities, and some day hopefully you will come and do business over there, or maybe you’ll want to move over there. Whatever your goal is, you’re always welcome. America, after all, let’s not forget,is the land of opportunity. And it's not only the land of opportunity for Austrians like me, but for Chinese people as well. Remember that.
我会热烈地欢迎你们到美国来,到加州来。我邀请大家来美国旅游,结交美国朋 友,到美国的大学学习,也希望有一天你会在美国做生意,或许你会想移民到美国。 无论你的目标是什么,我们都表示欢迎。别忘了,毕竟美国是一个充满机遇的国度。 请记住一点,这些机遇不仅仅只对像我一样的奥地利人开放,对你们也同样开放。
I know that beginning with this century, China is also becoming a land of opportunity. It’s a fast growing place, and as the students of this great university and the citizens of a rising China, I think that you have a great future also here in this country. And today I want to talk to you a little bit about the dreams, about the dreams of your future, and dreams for this country. I want to talk to you a little bit about dreams,because it seems to me that I'm somewhat of an expert in dreams, because I had a lot of my dreams become a reality. So let me just briefly tell you my story, and tell you a little bit about how I started with my career. I think that this story kind of relates a little bit also to you, and also to China.
从这个世纪初开始,中国也逐渐变成了一片充满机遇的土地,一个发展快速的国 家。作为这所一流大学的学生和这个迅速崛起的国家的一员,我想在座的各位今后也 一定会前程似锦。今天,我想跟你们谈谈梦想,谈谈你们未来的梦想和中国的梦想。 之所以想和你们谈论这个,是因为在这个方面我似乎比较有发言权,因为我的很多梦 想都变成了现实。因此,我想用简单的几句话给你们讲述我的故事,告诉你们我是 怎样幵始自己的职业生涯的。我想这个故事不仅跟你们,甚至跟中国都有关联。
I started way back as a weightlifter. I always liked the idea of lifting weights and being a bodybuilder. From the first moment when I gripped a barbell and held it around the bar and lifted the steel up over my head, I felt this exhilaration, and I knew then that this is something that I’m going to do; that I was in love with that, and this is going to be something that I'm going to do. I'm going to pursue the sport of weightlifting and bodybuilding.
那就从我想成为一名举重运动员说起吧。我一向喜欢举重并渴望成为一名健美 运动员。第一次紧紧拽住杠铃并将其用力举过头顶的时候,我感到异常兴奋,当时 我就知道这就是我将来要做的事。我迷恋上了这项运动,我坚信这就是我一直梦寐 以求的事业。我要从事举重和健美运动。
Now, I remember the first real workout that I had. Eight miles away from my home village in Austria there was a gymnasium,and I rode to that gymnasium with a bicycle. And there I trained for half an hour, because they said that after half an hour you should stop because otherwise your body will get really sore. But after half an hour I looked at my body,and nothing had happened. So I said, “I'd better work out for another half hour.” So I lifted some more. My strength didn’t improve, I didn’t see the muscles pop out or anything like that, so I trained for another half an hour. And then after another half hour I trained another half hour, and all together I trained two and a half hours.
至今,第一次训练的经历仍旧让我记忆犹新。距离我在奥地利的家8英里远的地 方有一家健身馆,我骑自行车到那,然后在那训练了半个小时。因为那里的故练告 诉我,训练半小时后应该停下来休息,否则全身都会很酸痛。但半个小时后,我感 觉身体并没什么事。所以我自言自语道:“不如再训练半个小时”。所以,我又举了 好几次杠铃。但是我没觉得自己力气变大,肌肉突出或是其他任何的迹象,所以我又 练了半个小时,然后又是半个小时,接着又半个小时,那天我一共练了2个半小时。
Well, let me tell you something. After two and a half hours—even though they told me that I shouldn’t train that much or I would get really sore—I left the gymnasium, I rode my bicycle home. And after the first mile I got numb, and I couldn’t feel anymore the handle of the bicycle, and I fell off the bike and I fell into the ditch on the side of the road. So I got up again and I tried it again. Another few yards, I fell off the bicycle again. And I tried it three, four more times, and I just couldn’t ride my bicycle because my body was so numb and my legs felt like noodles.
好吧,再告诉你们一些事。尽管那里的人告诉我不应该训练这么久,不然浑身 都会很酸痛,但是经过两个半小时的训练之后,我离开了健身馆,然后骑车回家。 在骑了大概一英里的时候,我发现自己全身都麻了,再也握不住自行车把手,然后我就从车上摔下来,掉进了路边的水沟里。我从沟里爬起来重新骑。骑了没多远又 摔了下来。然后我又试了第三次、第四次,然后更多次,但是我就是无法骑车,全 身非常酸痛,腿就像面条一样瘫软无力。
Well, let me tell you something. The next morning when I got up, my body was so sore that I couldn’t even lift my arms to comb my hair. I had to have my mother comb my hair, and you know how embarrassing that is. But you know something? I learned a very important lesson, that pain means progress. Pain is progress. Each time my muscles were sore from a workout I knew that they were growing and they were getting stronger.
我接着往下说。第二天早上起床的时候我觉得浑身酸痛,甚至都不能抬手梳 头,不得不让母亲帮忙,你、们知道这有多尴尬。但是你们知道吗?经过这件事,我 吸取了一个很重要的教训,那就是想进步就必须吃苦,吃苦就意味着进步。每次锻 炼之后我都觉得浑身肌肉酸痛,但是我知道这是肌肉在增多,我在变得更强大。
I think there is a real life lesson in that. After two or three years of discipline and determination and working out hard,I actually changed my body, and I changed my strength. And that told me something; that if I could change my body that much, and if I could change the strength of my body that much, then I could also change anything else. I could change my habits, I could change my intelligence, I could change my attitude, my mind, my future, my life. And this is exactly what I have done. I think that that lesson applies to people, and it also applies to countries. You can change,China can change, everyone in the world can change.
在那之后,我领悟到了其中所蕴含的人生真谛。经过两三年的艰苦训练和辛 勤工作之后,我最终改变了自己的体形,使自己变得更加强壮。这件事告诉我,既 然我可以很大程度的改变自己的身体,增加自己的力量,那么我也可以改变其他一 切。我可以改变我的习惯、我的智力,也可以改变我的态度、思想、未来,甚至人 生。事实上我也确实做到了。我认为这个经验适用于所有人,也适用于所有国家。 你们可以改变,中国可以改变,世界上的每一个人都可以改变。
My parents, of course,I have to tell you, didn’t understand my dreams at all. They were always wondering, they said, “What is he doing? When are you going to get a job, a real job? When are you going to make money?” And all of those questions I got. And they said, “I hope we didn’t raise a bum, someone that doesn’t make money and just wants to live in a gymnasium and think about their bodies.” Well, I endured all of this negative thinking, and the more negative the thinking got, and the more negative the questions got, the stronger and the more positive I became, the stronger I became inside.
当然,我不得不告诉你们,我的父母一点都不理解我的梦想。他们总是心存疑 惑地问:“他在干什么?你什么时候找工作,找一份正式的工作?你什么时候能赚 钱? ”还有很多类似的问题。他们说:“希望我们没有养一个废物,一个不去赚钱只 希望在健身馆里研究自己身体的废物。”我承受住了这一些消极的想法,负面的声 音越多,质疑也就越多,而我的内心却变得更强大、更乐观、更坚强。
So of course some of your families maybe think the same way, and this is why I'm mentioning that. Some of your families maybe don’t believe in your dreams. But let me tell you something, my young friends. Keep your dreams. No matter what, keep your dreams. Don’t give up on them, even when you are temporarily defeated or denied. Keep your dreams,
当然,或许在座的各位有些人的家人也有这种想法,所以我才在这里提到这件 事。也许你们中有些人的家长不相信你们的梦想。但我要告诉你们,年轻人就是要 勇于坚持自己的梦想。无论如何,坚守梦想!即使暂时被打倒或被人否定,也不要 放弃你们的梦想。坚持梦想!
A person, of course, should not be stingy with their dreams. So always it just carried me on, those dreams. So bodybuilding gave me the confidence, movies gave me the money, and public service and being a governor gave me a purpose larger than myself. And that is the brief story of my dreams and a brief story of my early life, and how my dreams made me successful.
当然,一个人不应该缺少梦想,所以一直以来,都是这些梦想在激励我前进。健 美运动给了我自信,电影事业带给我财富,服务国家和成为州长给了我一个超越自 身的目标。这些就是有关我梦想和我早年生活的故事,以及我的梦想如何引导我走 向成功的故事。