- Layton Cameron在Ted英语演讲:节奏后面的数学(中英双语)
克莱顿.卡梅隆: 节奏后面的数学
2018-11-08 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- Geena Rocero在Ted英语演讲:我为什么要站出来(中英双语)
- Geena Rocero在Ted英语演讲:Why I must come out吉娜·萝杰拉: 我为什么要站出来The world makes you something that you're not, but you know inside what you are, and that question burns in you...
2018-11-08 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- 奥巴马演讲:奥巴马白宫记者会晚宴变身段子手狂吐槽(演讲稿)
- 【奥巴马白宫记者会晚宴变身段子手狂吐槽】一年一度的WHCD不仅是各路媒体欢聚一堂的盛宴,也是被媒体吐槽了整年的总统报仇雪恨的机会。奥巴马在一年一度的白宫记者协会晚宴上化身段子手,在自嘲了医保网站、支...
2018-11-08 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- Isabel Allende在Ted英语演讲:伊莎贝尔.阿连德讲述她的激情故事(中英双语)
- Ted英语演讲:伊莎贝尔.阿连德为您讲述她的激情故事(中英双语)伊莎贝尔· 阿连德(Isabel Allende,1942-),她出身智利的名门世家,萨尔瓦多·阿连德总统是她的伯父。她在一个奇妙的大家庭长大,外祖母为她...
2018-11-08 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- Sebastian Junger在Ted英语演讲:老兵为何怀念战争(+中英双语)
- Sebastian Junger在Ted英语演讲:Why veterans miss war老兵为何怀念战争(中英双语)I'm going to ask and try to answer, in some ways, kind of an uncomfortable question. Both civilians, obviously, an...
2018-11-08 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- Christopher Emdin在Ted英语演讲:老师如何创造魔力(中英双语)
- Christopher Emdin:Teach teachers how to create magic老师如何创造魔力.Right now there is an aspiring teacher who is working on a 60-page paper based on some age-old education theory developed...
2018-11-08 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- 奥巴马演讲:2014年西点军校毕业典礼上演讲(中英双语++mp3下载)
- President Obama Speaks to West Point Graduates
奥巴马演讲:2014年西点军校毕业典礼上演讲(中英双语+)PRESIDENT OBAMA: Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you, General Caslen, for that int...
2018-11-08 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- 美国总统奥巴马2014年父亲节英语演讲稿(+中英双语)
- Hi, everybody. Sunday is Father’s Day. If you haven’t got Dad a gift yet, there’s still time. Just barely. But the truth is, what we give our fathers can never match what...
2018-11-08 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- Helen Fisher在Ted英语演讲:爱情魔力背后隐藏的秘密(中英双语+)
- I and my colleagues Art Aron and Lucy Brown and others, have put 37 people who are madly in love into a functional MRI brain scanner. 17 who were happily in love, 15 who had just been dumped,...
2018-11-08 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- 名校名人毕业演讲:做真正的自己--脱口秀主持Ellen杜兰大学毕业演讲 双语
- (注:文稿和音频部分仅提供ellen演讲内容,暂无中校长和ellen对话内容)
Stay True to Yourself—— Ellen DeGeneres做真正的自己——美国著名脱口秀主持人艾伦·德詹尼丝Thank you, Pr...
2018-11-08 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- Dan Gilbert在Ted英语演讲:未来自我的心理(中英双语+)
- “人类还处在发展变化的过程中,却错误的以为他们不会发生任何改变了。”丹•吉伯特分享了他最近关于一种他称作“历史错觉的终止”现象的研究,描述的是我们会不自觉地认为若干年后的自己跟现在不会有什么...
2018-11-08 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- 马云卸任CEO演讲:明天起生活将是我的工作(+演讲稿)
- 马云卸任ceo演讲:明天起生活将是我的工作(+演讲稿)hangzhou: alibaba chief jack ma stepped down before a potential initial public offering as the chinese online retail giant announced a $294 million...
2018-11-08 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- 英语演讲:美国第一夫人米歇尔北大演讲(中英双语+)
- 3月22日上午,美国第一夫人米歇尔造访北京大学,并接受北大校长赠书。之后,米歇尔在北大斯坦福中心以“读万卷书不如行万里路”为主题的演讲。在...
2018-11-08 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- 比尔·盖茨夫妇斯坦福大学2014毕业典礼演讲(双语)
2018-11-08 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- BillyCollins在Ted英语演讲:关于狗所想---诗两首(中英双语+)
I do not know if you have noticed, but there's been a spate of books that have come out lately contemplating or speculating on the cognition and emotional life of dogs. Do they think, do th...
2018-11-08 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- David Kwong在Ted英语演讲:两个书呆子相遇能造就奇迹(中英双语+)
- David Kwong在Ted英语演讲:两个书呆子相遇能造就奇迹(中英双语+)Puzzles and magic. I work in what most people think are two distinct fields, but I believe they are the same. I am both a magician...
2018-11-08 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- Joi Ito在Ted英语演讲:想要创新?---就成为“现在学家”(中英双语+)
- Joi Ito在Ted英语演讲:想要创新?---就成为“现在学家”(中英双语+)On March 10, 2011, I was in Cambridge at the MIT Media Lab meeting with faculty, students and staff, and we were trying to figure o...
2018-11-08 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- Renata Salecl在Ted英语演讲:我们不健康地痴迷于选择(中英双语+)
- Renata Salecl在Ted英语演讲:我们不健康地痴迷于选择(中英双语+)When I was preparing for this talk, I went to search for a couple of quotes that I can share with you. Good news: I found three that...
2018-11-08 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- Nikolai Begg在Ted英语演讲:修复手术危险时刻的工具(中英双语+)
- Nikolai Begg在Ted英语演讲:修复手术危险时刻的工具(中英双语+)The first time I stood in the operating room and watched a real surgery, I had no idea what to expect. I was a college student in eng...
2018-11-08 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- Stella Young在Ted英语演讲:谢谢夸奖,但我可不是指引你的动力(中英双语+)
- 史黛拉•杨(Stella Young)是一位喜剧演员,也是一名新闻记者。她与其他人不同的仅仅是她是一名残疾人。她始终在强调,这一点并不代表她理所当然就应该成为人们的励志榜样。在这个有趣的演讲中,杨把社会将残...
2018-11-08 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- Shih Chieh Huang在Ted英语演讲:深海雕像(中英双语+)
- Shih Chieh Huang在Ted英语演讲:深海雕像(中英双语+)0:11 I was born in Taiwan. I grew up surrounded by different types of hardware stores, and I like going to night markets. I love the energy of...
2018-11-08 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- Wes Moore在Ted英语演讲:如何和退伍军人探讨战争(中英双语+)
- Wes Moore在Ted英语演讲:如何和退伍军人探讨战争(中英双语+)0:11 I'm excited to be here to speak about vets, because I didn't join the Army because I wanted to go to war. I didn't join the Army be...
2018-11-08 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- Ze Frank在Ted英语演讲:你是人类么?(中英双语+)
- Ze Frank在Ted英语演讲:你是人类么?(中英双语+)(Music) This is the human test, a test to see if you are a human. Please raise your hand if something applies to you. Are we agreed? Yes? Then let's...
2018-11-08 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- 经典名人英语演讲稿01:2010年国家主席胡锦涛新年贺词mp3
- 1. 2010 New Year Speech Delivered by Hu Jintao, President of the People's Republic of China 1. 2010年国京主席胡锦涛新华贺词 I would like to take this opportunity to reaffirm that China will u...
2018-11-08 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿 -
- 经典名人英语演讲稿02:英国女王伊丽莎白2009年圣诞致辞mp3
- 2. Christmas Greeting from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II2. 英国女王伊丽莎白2009年圣诞致辞Each year that passes seems to have its own character. Some leave us with a feeling of satisfaction,...
2018-11-08 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿