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  Does Personal Information Inquiry Personal Privacy?


  With the gradual awareness of personal privacyand the consequences resulting from privacyintrusions, more and more people become cautiousabout their privacy protection. However, recently,one can have access to any person’s detailedinformation. By inputting a person’s name and his orher ID number, we will confirm whether the itemsmatch each other. If the two match, we will see the picture of its owner. We can also bind ourmobile phone numbers, email accounts, and other information with the general identitynumbers in the system.


  Under the authorization of us, any person can have access to our detailed information.Although according to the personal information inquiry service provider it satisfies the currentneeds of our society, some people hold the opinion that the service will intrude personalprivacy. As for me, I agree with the latter opinion.


  Firstly, as the service is based on its database connected to the Internet, it is likely that hackerswillhave easy access to anyone’s personal information at will. This concern is not anexaggeration. Even the claimed most secure pentagon website has frequent unwantedvisitors, that is, hackers, how can we trust that the service is able to protect our personalinformation from being exposed to hackers? Besides, as our privacies have been converted toa form of commodities, it is likely that motivated by money, employees ofthe service providermay sell our “privacy products” for their own benefits.


  Secondly, while the service provider boosts that it is reliable in that it will not provide personalinformation without due authorization of the person, we must bear in our mind that someChinese people are excellent at making fake certificates and authorization documents. As therequired procedure indicates, anyonecan manage to know what he desires to know if he canprocure his target’s authorization and a copy of thetarget’s ID card. As a matter of fact, it isonly a technical matter for some malicious guys to obtain a copy of his target’s ID card, andmake a fake authorization document.


  In sum, as the real world is teeming with malicious people driven by money, and the Internetsmart hackers, our privacies are likely to be put at the mercy of those guys. The serviceprovider seemingly contributes a lot to telling those malicious guys where to find our personalinformation. Finally, I can not help wondering why the service provider is able to collect ourpersonal information without our authorization. Have not our privacies been intruded?


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本文标题:2015英语专业八级作文范文(二十九) - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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