in 1689, king jamesⅡ of england was overthrown and replaced by williamⅢ. jamesⅡ's supporters, mostly in scotland, staged an uprising, which was suppressed. in late 1691, williamⅢ offered pardons to all who had taken part in the uprising if they pledged their allegiance to him. the chief of the macdonald clan of glencoe did so, but only after the time limit of 1 january 1692.
williamⅢ's minister for scotland used this lateness as a pretext to send a body of soldiers to glencoe. the soldiers came among the macdonalds as friends, and enjoyed their hospitality for a number of days until, early in the morning on 13 february, they fell on their sleeping hosts, killing nearly 40 men, women, and children. many of those who escaped perished in winter storms.