
古德明英语军事小故事:卡廷屠杀 (中英对照)

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in 1939, in accordance with the hitler-stalin pact, germany attacked west poland, while russia invaded and occupied the east of 1941, after germany had invaded russia, the soviet government agreed to cooperate with the polish government in exile in london, who requested the return of 15000 polish prisoners. the soviet government claimed the prisoners had escaped and their whereabouts were 1943, germany

announced the discovery of the mass graves of 4443 polish officers in the katyn forest, and accused the russians of having carried out the massacre. russia denied this, accusing the germans of having killed the men as their army invaded the region. they stuck to this position for decades.only in 1991 did the new russian government under yeltsin admit that stalin had indeed ordered the massacre.

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