
古德明英语军事小故事:暴 君 之 死(中英对照)

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暴 君 之 死

roman emperor nero is infamous for his cruelty. he is said to have set fire to rome in 64 ad because he was disgusted by the city's old buildings and narrow streets. the fire last six days and seven nights. a keen musician, nero watched what he called "the beauty of the flames" from the tower of maecenas, and sang the fall of ilium from beginning to end.

the fire eventually cost nero his life. the huge reconstruction project was never completed, partly because nero spent so much money on himself while citizens starved and the military went unpaid. in 68 ad, rome revolted. a messenger from the senate informed the emperor that he had been declared a "public enemy" and would be punished in the ancient style --stripped naked and flogged to death with rods. wisely, nero committed suicide.

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