
保全面子 Saving Grace

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 Vacationing in Hawaii, my husband and I went out to dinner one night at one of its finest restaurants - When presented with the check, my husband reached into his pocket for his wallet, but somehow lost his balance and fell over. As the people at the next table looked on in astonishment 'he said, "The food was delicious-but wait till you get your bill!"


  (1) Hawaii n.夏威夷(岛)

  (2) fall over落下;跌下

  (3) astonishment n.惊诧



  ① Where were the husband and wife vacationing?

  ② Where did they go one night?

  ③ Did the husband fall over before or after the meal?

  ④ How was the food there?

  ⑤ The husband was mocking himself to save grace, wasn't he?




① In Hawaii ② One of the finest restaurants ③ After the meal

④ Delicious ⑤ Yes

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