
鸭子和店员 A Duck and a Shop Clerk

阅读 :

A Duck and a Shop Clerk

  A duck walked into a store and asked the clerk, "Do you have any grapes?The

  clerk said no, and the duck left. The next day, the duck returned and asked,

  "Do you have any grapes?"The clerk again said no, and the duck left. The day

  after that, the duck walked into the store again and asked "Do you have any

  grapes?"The clerk shouted at the duck, "You've come in here the past two days

  and asked if we had any grapes. I told you every time that we don's have any

  grapes! If you come back in here again, and ask for grapes, I'll nail your

  webbed feet to the floor!!"The duck left, and returned the next day. This time

  he asked, "Do you have any nails??The clerk replied, "No,"and the duck said,

  "Good! Got any grapes?

  webbed 有蹼的



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