
爸爸会来得及回家吗? Will Daddy Be Home?

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Will Daddy Be Home?

  Becky was six years old. On Christmas Eve she helped her mother hanging a stocking marked "Daddy? Becky asked her mom, "Will Daddy be home before Santa comes?"Becky's mom said, "I certainly hope so."Then Becky wanted her mother to put some cookies out for Santa. Mom said it was a great idea. Then Becky went to bed to sleep.

  Becky woke up early next morning. She went to wake up her parents and said, "Can we see if Santa came, Daddy? Can we, Mommy?"By now Becky's parents were not only awake but also as excited as she was.

  As they got down the stairs Becky and her parents were pleased to see that there were lots of presents under the tree for them. Becky noticed that the sugar cookies for Santa were gone and there was a note next to a present that said, "Give these to your Daddy. He was home and in bed by the time I got here."Becky grabbed her Daddy by the leg and said, "Thank you daddy. I knew you'd make it home in time."

     marked              有记号的     be pleased to(do)高兴,乐意

     note   便条     grab   抓住





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本文标题:爸爸会来得及回家吗? Will Daddy Be Home? - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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