
Stew in one’s own juice 自作自受

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Stew in one’s own juice 自作自受

A young man knew an old woman in the bridewell. He knew the old woman’s daughter later and captivated her. Then the girl asked him to lend her twenty thousand yuan to buy a house. The man intended to make up to her through lending the money. The girl didn’t want to marry the man or return the money. So she contrived to cheat the man. She asked the man to pay her one hundred and fifty thousand yuan as the money for betrothal gifts. She thought the man couldn’t afford to pay that much money and gave up the marriage. However, the man was of fortitude and tranced. He even paid the money without hesitation though his family was not rich. As an upshot, the girl had to marry him. She thought he was a crank and a little bit cocky. She had to look for a chance to divorce him because she was a go-getter to do so. The man was really a landlubber who was holocausted by a skilled swimmer. The man once hit the girl one month after their marriage, which was what the girl wanted. She immediately interposed her demand to divorce him. The man was shocked and at once deified the girl. He didn’t know the girl’s idea. She would divorce him sooner or later.


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