

阅读 :



  Long, long ago, a file of chariots rumbled quickly across the plain late one spring. The soldiers wore sparkling armor. Banners fluttered in the breeze.

  很久以前的一个晚春, 一队战车轰隆隆地在平原上疾驰而 过。战士们穿着闪亮的盔甲,旌旗在风中飘扬。

  Following them came several generals with their swords and spears. They were followed by a beautiful chariot. Sitting in the chariot was the great King of Chu.

  车队后面跟着几个持剑和矛的将军。 在他们的身后是一辆漂亮的战车。坐在车上的是伟大的楚国国君。

  Every year the King took a trip through his kingdom to inspect his land, to hunt, to train his troops, and to get out of his stuffy old palace.


  The King had a general called Yang Youchi who is very famous for his archery. Even now, over two thousand years later, people still remember what a good shot he was. He never missed. The King trusted him. During the great hunt the rabbits and deer and all the wild animals ran here and there in panic, but nowhere was safe from the arrows of General Yang Youchi. If he shot one hundred times, he hit his aim one hundred times.

  国王有位将军名叫杨有持,此人以箭术闻名。即使两千年以后的现在,人们仍然记得他是一个多么出色的射击手。他百发百中。国王很信任他。在那次大的狩猎中,兔子啊 、鹿啊, 所有的野兽都惊惶失措,四散逃走,却找不到 一个安全地方躲避杨守持的箭。如果他射击一百次,他就击中一百次。

  On the plain was a huge old tree. As they passed, the soldiers heard a noise. They saw an ape in the branches above their heads. It jumped up and down disrespectfully, mocking the hunting soldiers. It threw a nut at them.


  "Okay, pretty boy, I/'ll teach you a lesson," said an archer as he aimed at the ape. But as he shot his arrow, the ape dodged, and the arrow hissed harmlessly through the branches. A shout of laughter went up from the troops.

  "好家伙,我来教训教训你," 一个射手瞄准猿猴说。但当他射出箭后,猿猴躲过了。箭嗖搜地空穿过树枝。 队伍中发出一阵 哄笑 .

  "Lucky," snorted the soldier. "Take that!"

  " 算你走运,"士兵哼了一声,"看箭!"

  He shot another arrow, and this time the ape didn/'t dodge —— it snatched the arrow out of the air! Then it sniffed the arrow contemptuously before breaking it in two.


  Now the soldiers were mad. They shot arrows at it, but the ape was so clever and so quick that it caught their arrows in midair and mocked them even more.

  这下士兵恼了。他们朝它射箭,但猿猴聪明又灵敏,他在空中抓住了他们射的箭, 嘲笑他们更厉害了。

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  When the King saw how disrespectful the ape was, he ordered General Yang to go shoot down that smart aleck ape.


  The ape seemed to understand, because as soon as General Yang rode toward the tree, the ape began to cry. Tears rolled down its face, and it sobbed and howled very piteously.


  The King asked, "Why is the ape crying?"


  Yang Youchi answered, "It must know that my arrows never miss, so no matter how cunning it may be, it must die now, at your highness/' command. That is why it is crying."


  The King hung his head in thought. How sad the ape was! All the other animals must be suffering, too. His royal heart filled with mercy. He told General Yang to put away his weapons, and called off the hunt, so that no more animals would be hurt.


  When he returned to his capital ahead of schedule, all the people there found out that the King had been moved by an ape/'s tears. The people of Chu were all very happy to have such a kind and loving King, so they worked very hard for their country, and from then on, Chu was strong and powerful for hundreds of years.


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本文标题:THE CRYING APE - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事



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