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百喻经之六五: 五百欢喜丸喻

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§65 五百欢喜丸喻

(65) five hundred happy pills


once upon a time, there was a woman who led a promiscuous life. she hated her husband when she was burning with lascivious desires. however, there was no opportunity for her to carry out any of her schemes to kill him. it so happened that her husband was sent on an official mission to a neighboring state, the woman secretly prepared some poisonous pills. to the husband she said with a faked tenderness, "now that you have been sent far away on this official mission, i have prepared for you five hundred pills both as food supplies and as something to cheer you up. you will take them when you are hungry, when you reach the border."


the husband did not take them when he crossed the frontier. it was dark then and he decided to rest in the forest. afraid of wild animals, he climbed up a tree to spend the night. he left his pills under the tree.


on that same night, a group of five hundred thieves stopped at the same spot with five hundred horses and precious things stolen from their king. they were all hungry and thirsty from their narrow escape. finding those pills under the tree, the thieves took them and, on account of the strong poisonous effect, died one after another in no time.


at daybreak, the man hiding in the tree saw the dead thieves. then he deceitfully made as if he slew and shot the corpses with swords and arrows. afterward, he got all the horses as well as the stolen goods together and rode towards the foreign country.


meanwhile, the king was on his way with his guards trying to apprehend the thieves. they carne across the man and asked, "who are you? where did you get these horses?"


the man replied, "i have come on a special mission. on the way, 1 encountered this band of thieves. i fought them and killed them all. their corpses are under a tree over there. that's how 1 got these horses and precious things. if your majesty doesn't believe it, you can inspect the casualties on the spot where we fought."


immediately, the king sent his guards to inspect the spot. they found out what he had said was true. the king was overwhelmed with admiration for his unusual bravery. later, when the man was sent back to his own country, the king bestowed him both a knighthood and treasures as well as a piece of land.


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本文标题:百喻经之六五: 五百欢喜丸喻 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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