
安徒生童话:The Bird of Popular Song 民歌的鸟儿

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it is winter-time. the earth wears a snowy garment, and looks like marble hewn out of the rock; the air is bright and clear; the wind is sharp as a well-tempered sword, and the trees stand like branches of white coral or blooming almond twigs, and here it is keen as on the lofty alps.

the night is splendid in the gleam of the northern lights, and in the glitter of innumerable twinkling stars.

but we sit in the warm room, by the hot stove, and talk about the old times. and we listen to this story:

by the open sea was a giant’s grave; and on the grave-mound sat at midnight the spirit of the buried hero, who had been a king. the golden circlet gleamed on his brow, his hair fluttered in the wind, and he was clad in steel and iron. he bent his head mournfully, and sighed in deep sorrow, as an unquiet spirit might sigh.

and a ship came sailing by. presently the sailors lowered the anchor and landed. among them was a singer, and he approached the royal spirit, and said,

“why mournest thou, and wherefore dost thou suffer thus?”

and the dead man answered,

“no one has sung the deeds of my life; they are dead and forgotten. song doth not carry them forth over the lands, nor into the hearts of men; therefore i have no rest and no peace.”

and he spoke of his works, and of his warlike deeds, which his contemporaries had known, but which had not been sung, because there was no singer among his companions.

then the old bard struck the strings of his harp, and sang of the youthful courage of the hero, of the strength of the man, and of the greatness of his good deeds. then the face of the dead one gleamed like the margin of the cloud in the moonlight. gladly and of good courage, the form arose in splendor and in majesty, and vanished like the glancing of the northern light. nought was to be seen but the green turfy mound, with the stones on which no runic record has been graven; but at the last sound of the harp there soared over the hill, as though he had fluttered from the harp, a little bird, a charming singing-bird, with ringing voice of the thrush, with the moving voice pathos of the human heart, with a voice that told of home, like the voice that is heard by the bird of passage. the singing-bird soared away, over mountain and valley, over field and wood—he was the bird of popular song, who never dies.

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