
A Happy Ending

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  Whiskers was a small tabby kitten. One day he decided to explore the neighbourhood. He scrambled over fences, squeezed through garden gates and climbed lots of trees. He thoroughly enjoyed himself until it started to get dark and he realized he was quite lost. Then he cried because he was hungry. He crept close to a wall, and fell fast asleep.

  In the middle of the night Whiskers was awakened by something squeaking. He opened his eyes and saw a little mouse.

  “I'm lost!” sobbed Whiskers. “Are you?”

  “Oh, no, I sleep here every night.”

  “You weren't here when I first came,” said Whiskers.

  “No,” said the mouse, licking his lips. “I was having my supper.”

  “Supper,” said Whiskers excitedly. “Please tell me where I can get some.”

  The mouse felt sorry for the kitten. “Come along, then,” he said. So the two set off-under a hole in the fence, across two gardens, over a wall and through a cat door into a warm kitchen.

  “Guess what?” laughed Whiskers. “This is where I live. Come, little mouse, you must share my supper.” So they both ate until they could eat no more. When it was time for the mouse to leave, Whiskers said: “You must come and have supper with me every night!”

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