The One-Eyed Doe
A DOE blind in one eye was accustomed to graze as near to the edge of the cliff as she possibly could, in the hope of securing her greater safety. She turned her sound eye towards the land that she might get the earliest tidings of the approach of hunter or hound, and her injured eye towards the sea, from whence she entertained no anticipation of danger. Some boatmen sailing by saw her, and taking a successful aim, mortally wounded her. Yielding up her last breath, she gasped forth this lament: "O wretched creature that I am! to take such precaution against the land, and after all to find this seashore, to which I had come for safety, so much more perilous."
有头瞎了一只眼的鹿,来到海边吃草,他用那只好的眼睛注视着陆地,防备猎人的攻击,而用瞎了的那只眼对着大海,他认为海那边不会发生甚么危险。不料有人乘船从海上经过这里,看见了这头鹿,一箭就把他射倒了。他将要 气的时候,自言自语地说:「我真是不幸,我防范着陆地那面,而我所信赖的海这面却给我带来了灾难。」
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