
Angelica's New Friend

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Online English Writing Community

  Hello, children! I am Angelica the green parrot, and I live on board a ship. I belong to the captain, and my cage is in his cabin.

  My cage is a lovely one. It is long, and shaped like a ship, and made of brass wire. My master laughs, and says I am the captain of my own ship!

  The other day I had such a surprise! My master came into his cabin carrying another cage. There was a tiny white bird inside.

  “Heave-ho, Angelica!” cried my master. “Here is a new friend for you. A white canary and she sings very well. You must not be jealous. Jackie gave him to me.”

  Jackie is the captain's pretty little daughter. But, just the same, I was jealous.

  “What's your name?” I screamed.

  “Snowbird,” piped the canary. “What a beautiful color you are! I have never seen anyone like you before.”

  I felt rather pleased, so I began to walk about and ring bells loudly. The little bird chirped softly.

  “How clever you are, and what a lovely house you have. Have you lived there long?”

  “I have lived here with my master as long as I can remember,” I replied. “Can you dance, Snowbird?”

  “No!” said Snowbird. “I can't do anything clever like you. But Jackie enjoys my singing. Would you like to hear me, Miss Angelica?”

  Now I like being called Miss Angelica. And the little bird was trying to be friends, so I said:

  “Sing away, Snowbird!”

  Then he hoped about, and all at once he began to trill.

  Well, it was lovely! I had never heard such a beautiful voice before.

  When he had finished his song I gave a loud shriek of applause.

  “You are a very sweet singer. I am so glad you have come to keep me company,” I said.

  Snowbird's eyes shone with pride. And ever since we have been the best of friends!

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