

阅读 :

  The Trees Under the Protection of the Gods

  THE GODS, according to an ancient legend, made choice of certain trees to be under their special protection. Jupiter chose the oak, Venus the myrtle, Apollo the laurel, Cybele the pine, and Hercules the poplar. Minerva, wondering why they had preferred trees not yielding fruit, inquired the reason for their choice. Jupiter replied, “It is lest we should seem to covet the honor for the fruit.” But said Minerva, “Let anyone say what he will the olive is more dear to me on account of its fruit.” Then said Jupiter, “My daughter, you are rightly called wise; for unless what we do is useful, the glory of it is vain.”


  古代相传,众神选择一些树在他们的特别保护之下。宙斯选择了橡树,阿佛洛狄忒选择了石榴树,阿波罗选择了丹桂树,库柏勒选择了松树,赫拉克勒斯选择了白杨树。雅典娜不懂他们为甚么宁愿选这些不结果实的树,便询问他们选择的原因。宙斯回答说:「这也许是我们不愿沾那些果实的光。」但雅典娜说:「无论谁怎样说,便让他去说。因为橄榄树的果实,更显得尊贵。」於是宙斯说:「我的女儿啊,你才是真正的聪明。  我所做的一切若有用,虚荣就是徒然的。」


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