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小蝌蚪找妈妈 Todpole's Mummy

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本文标题:小蝌蚪找妈妈 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


  • 探骊得珠的历史故事-中国历史故事英文版中英对照

    Groping about the Chin of the Black Dragon to Get a Pearl-Bringing Out the Best Long,Long age,there lived a family by the Yellow River.They lived a very poor lift,depending on cutting reeds,...

    2018-10-30 英语故事
  • 三国故事:马跃檀溪

    A Leap Over the Tanxi River  Liu Bei captured an excellent horse in a battle. When Liu Biao marveled at the steed, Liu Bei gave it to him as a gift. Under Liu Biao, there was a horse expert who sa...

    2018-12-12 英语故事
  • 佛教故事:Wise Birds And Foolish Birds

      Wise Birds And Foolish Birds    Once upon a time, there was a giant tree in the forest. Many many birds lived in this tree. And the wisest of them was their leader.  One day the leader bi...

    2018-12-12 英语故事
  • 怒发冲冠

    怒发冲冠 中文怒发冲冠故事发生在战国时代,赵国的国王得到了一块漂亮罕见的玉。秦王听说了这个消息后,也非常想要这件宝物,并假惺惺地承诺愿意用他的15座城池来交换。于是,赵王便派遣聪明勇敢的大臣蔺相如出使到秦国。当...

    2019-01-22 英语故事
  • The Knights of the Fish

      Once upon a time there lived an old cobbler who worked hard at his trade from morning till night, and scarcely gave himself a moment to eat. But, industrious as he was, he could hardly buy bread...

    2018-12-12 英语故事
  • On her own, but not alone

    Marjorie Baer used to joke about her retirement plans. She wasn't married and had no kids, but she didn't intend to be alone—she and all her single friends would...

    2018-11-22 英语故事
  • Dilly Doodles' Babies

      For some reason the other ducks did not like Dilly Doodles. Perhaps it was because she was a quite little thing.  “Now then, be off!” cried Mrs Green back crossly, one day, as Dilly stopped to spe...

    2018-12-12 英语故事
  • 古德明英语军事小故事:勇冠三军(中英对照)


    2018-11-02 英语故事
  • 中国成语典故中英对照:精卫填海

      The bird Jingwei trying to fill the sea  Once upon a time, the youngest daughter of Emperor Yan, legendary ruler of primitive China, went boating on the Eastern Sea. While she was enjoying h...

    2018-12-12 英语故事
  • 那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事60:机智的美女

    每天读一点英文之那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事(寓言篇)60 the clever beauty 机智的美女one day, a beautiful woman was walking in the str...

    2018-11-07 英语故事

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