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  More than 3,500 years ago, there was a very kind and wise emperor called Cheng Tang. Every year he traveled around his empire to visit all of his people and see if there was anything the government could do for them.


  One beautiful day, the birds were singing and the beasts were enjoying the nice weather. The Emperor smiled as he heard their pleasant calls. Then he saw huge nets spread where all those animals would get caught. He heard a trapper praying in a loud voice. This is what the trapper prayed:

  一个美丽的日子,鸟儿欢歌,野兽也喜滋滋地沐浴着阳光。国王听到这一切的时候,脸上露出笑容。接着他看到一张巨大的网散布在所有野兽足迹所至之处。 他听到猎人大声地祈祷,祈祷如下:

  May all the birds in the sky,


  May all the beasts on the ground,


  May all the animals from north, east, west, and south,


  Come into my net,


  Let not one of them escape!


  Emperor Cheng Tang was upset to find such a greedy, heartless trapper, but he was also a very wise monarch. He did not command the trapper to stop hunting. Instead, with his own imperial hands, he took down three sides of the nets,leaving only one side.


  The trapper wondered what was going on, but he couldn't just go up and punch the Emperor. Then he heard Cheng Tang praying out loud. This is what the Emperor prayed:


  May all who wish to dodge to the left, dodge to the left;


  May all who wish to dodge to right, dodge to the right;


  May all who wish to go over the nets, go over the nets;


  May all who wish to duck under the nets, duck under the nets;


  Only those who do not wish to live any more

  May enter my nets.


  The trapper realized that he had been greedy and mean. He told every one how kind their Emperor was, so all the people trusted Cheng Tang. The dynasty Ch'eng T'ang founded, the Shang, ruled China for over 600 years.


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