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  Once upon a time there lived in a village an old father, an old mother and their son. The little boy was very very small. So they called him Little One-Inch. But, he was good-looking and had great courage.

  One-Inch was only three centimeters in height, but his greatest wish was to become a warrior. When he asked to go to the capital and become a warrior, his parents agreed.

  The capital was very big and full of people. The buildings were huge and they looked alike as they stretched up into the sky. One-Inch arrived at the house of one of England's great lords. He asked to be accepted as a warrior, and the lord was so amused at his boldness that he agreed.

  "My Lord," said the little One-Inch, "My life and my sword are at your service."

  "In that case, you may use it to guard my daughter." said the lord, "I depend on you to keep her from harm."

  The lord's daughter was a beautiful princess and One-Inch was happy to become her servant.

  Then there came the news of a huge red monster with two horns. The terrible creature had eaten two young girls. It had a magic hammer, which it called its "treasure".

  One-Inch was determined to kill the monster. He practiced with his sword in preparation.









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