
Marty Mole Gets Married

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  Marty Mole was lonely.

  “I must find someone to live with,” thought Marty. So out he went to search for someone. Under a beech tree sat a squirrel cracking nuts.

  “May I come and live with you?” asked Marty. “I am so lonely.”

  “Yes,” squeaked the squirrel. I'm just going. Come along.“ And he ran up the tree. When he looked back, Marty was still at the bottom.

  “I can't climb trees,” called Marty. “But thank you for the offer.” Sadly he walked away. Then he met a rabbit.

  “May I come and live with you, I feel so lonely,” said Marty.

  “Yes,” said the rabbit. “We are a very large family, but one more won't make any difference.”

  He took Marty to the warren. There were passages everywhere. There were rabbits everywhere.

  “I don't think I could live here,” thought Marty to himself. “It is too busy.” So he wandered out of the warren.

  Sadly he thought, “I had better go to my own lonely home.”

  When he got there, he found the table set with a fresh cloth, the floor was swept and his slippers were ready for him to wear. Then out of the kitchen came - another mole.

  “I'm Miranda,” she said shyly. “I have been so lonely, and when I saw your little house with no one to care for it, I thought perhaps you would not mind if I stayed.”

  How pleased Marty was. He was never lonely after that, because he and Miranda were married the next day.

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