English Corner

Wild Wild Pig

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  In the wild wild would lived a wild wild pig, and he was very fierce.

  There were other animals in the wild wild wood - ponies, deer and squirrels. The ponies and deer liked the grass under the oak trees, the squirrels like the acorns, but Wild Wild Pig drove them away - he wasn't going to share his grass. In fact, he was so fierce that the others left the forest.

  After a while Wild Wild Pig set off to find the ponies, the deer, the squirrels and the birds. He came out of the wood and set off down the lane. He hadn't gone far when he saw a bull in a field. Pushing through the hedge Wild Wild Pig went into the field. He snorted, he stamped, he looked very fierce and cried, “I am Wild Wild Pig, I live in the forest!”

  “I am Wild Wild Bull and I live in this field!” roared the bull, and lowering his head he tossed Wild Wild Pig back into the lane.

  Sadly, Wild Wild Pig went on until he came to a pond. Some geese were by the pond. “I am Wild Wild Pig-” He got no further, the geese stretched out their necks, flapped their wings and hissed. They drove Wild Wild Pig away from the pond.

  “Oh dear!” he thought. “What nasty creatures,” and turning round he went back to the wood, a fierce pig no longer.

  The birds and animals soon came back when they found that Wild Wild Pig had learned his lesson. Now they all live happily together.

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