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Murdock the Mouse

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  Once upon a time, there was a mouse called Murdock Mouse. You could tell by his name that he was a Scottish mouse. He was also very brave and big-for a mouse, that is! He was not a bit afraid of Jock, the terrier, nor was he afraid of the ginger cat from down the street, whose name was Marmalade.

  Now, one day an awful thing happened. His brother was playing with his friends, right in the middle of the dining-room floor, which is very dangerous place to play. Suddenly, Marmalade, from down the road, jumped through the window and landed right in the middle of all those poor little mice. “Quick-run!” yelled a mouse called Andrew, but all the mice were already scampering away. Every one of those mice reached home safely-except brother Meredith.

  Poor Meredith was held fast between Marmalade's front paws. He was so frightened he didn't know what to do, so he squeaked as loud as he could. “Murdock!” he squeaked. “Please come and rescue me.”

  Well, it was very lucky for Meredith that his brother heard him. Now, although Murdock was not frightened of Marmalade, he was not silly enough to try and fight him on his own, so he ran as fast as his legs would carry him to find Jock the terrier.

  Jock was asleep. Murdock woke him up, and very cross he was, too! He saw Murdock, and he chased him, right across the garden and through the dining room window.

  Then Jock saw Marmalade the cat - in his dining room! My word, there was a fight.

  “Quickly,” cried Murdock. “This way, Meredith. Run fast while Marmalade and Jock are fighting.” Meredith did run.

  After that Meredith thought his big brother was the cleverest mouse in all the world - as well as the bravest.

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