Shenzhen English Corner

Mr Mouse Papers the Parlour

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为什么你应该从现在就开始写英文博客? China Classifieds!

  “Oh my!” said Mrs. Mouse as she bustled into the parlour of her home under the floorboards. “What a fine place those humans do live in! So nice and clean it is. A whiter ceiling you never saw, and such flowers on the walls. Oh me, oh my!”

  Mr. Mouse put down his paper and gazed around the little room.

  “Why I think this is cosy enough, my dear,” he said.

  “Snug and warm it is,” said Mrs. Mouse. “But it isn't pretty-not like it is upstairs. Oh, it does seem a shame that WE can't have a pretty home, too!”

  At that moment young Willie Mouse came scampering in.

  “Oh, Mummy!' he squeaked. ”Such a feast I've been having! Someone has left some chocolates about upstairs! Come and see!“

  Mrs. Mouse forgot her troubles - she did love chocolate - and all three hurried up into the room above.

  What luck! A fine box of chocolates lay open on a chair, put down in a hurry, no doubt, for half of them had fallen on the floor. Some were wrapped in silver paper, two in plain silver, and others with little pink and blue flowers dotted here and there.

  “Ooh!' said Mr and Mrs. Mouse together, and they set to work on the unwrapped ones because they were easy to get at.

  “Ah, scrumptious!” said Mrs. Mouse. “Now let us push the others downstairs, so that we can eat them later on.”

  “All right,” said Mr Mouse, wiping his whiskers. “And be careful of the paper. I have an idea it will do for something.”

  “Willie,” said Mr Mouse, when they had done, “can you find some flour and make some paste? I am going to decorate our little home so that it will look even prettier than that room upstairs.”

  And it was prettier! Silver for the ceiling -my how it shone! And the beautiful pink and blue flowers for the walls!

  Ooh, wasn't Mrs. Mouse pleased!

  “How clever you are, dear!” she said as they all had another feast of chocolate cream. “Thank you ever so much!”

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