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during the reign of romulus1, the first king of rome, tarpeia, the daughter of the roman commander of the capitoline2 fortress, agreed to betray the fortress into the hands of the sabines, on condition that she should have for her reward"that which they carried upon their left arms," meaning the golden bracelets they wore.

when the sabines had been let in by tarpeia, their king commanded them to give the fair traitoress her reward, by throwing to her all they carried upon their left arms. unclasping his bracelet, he cast it, together with his shield, upon her. all the sabines followed the example, and the traitoress perished under the weight of the reward which she had earned by the double treachery to her father and to her country.


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本文标题:古德明英语军事小故事:卖国者的下场(中英对照) - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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