
古德明英语军事小故事:取义成仁,何难何易 (中英对照)

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when germany invaded poland in 1939, captain wladyslaw raginis, polish commander of the wizna area, swore that he would defend his land and would not leave it alive.
he made his stand with 720 men against an army of 42,000 soldiers. the poles had six pieces of artillery, 24 heavy machine guns, 18 machine guns, and two anti-tank rifles, while the germans had more than 350 tanks, 180 howitzers, 58 pieces of artillery, and many other heavy weapons. yet the poles managed to hold off the german army for three days, and took out ten tanks, a few armoured cars, and an untold number of infantrymen.

when the situation became hopeless, raginis agreed to surrender to prevent unnecessary deaths of his soldiers, and then blew himself up with a grenade.

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