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披荆斩棘 中文




公元三十年,冯异到京城洛阳,朝拜光武帝。光武帝隆重地接待了他,并向文武百官介绍说:“他是我当年起兵时的主将,为我在创夜的道路上劈开了丛生的荆棘,扫除了重重障碍,平定了关中广大地区,是个人冠军有功之臣啊!” 由于冯异,谦虚好学,所以深得人们敬仰。

披荆斩棘 英文

break through brambles and thorns

In the early stage of Eastern Han Dynasty (dōng hàn 东汉,25—220AD),Feng Yi (féng yì 冯异)established himself as a prestigious general,who risked his own life to fight hard for his leader—Liu Xiu (liú xiù 刘秀),the man who later became the ruler of Eastern Han Dynasty. Through a great many of wars,big or small,Feng Yi gained his fame and the trust from the leader step by step.

During the year of 25 AD,with the great dedication and help of Feng Yi,Liu Xiu eventually lived up to his dream—found the Eastern Han Dynasty,himself then became the king of the country,Luo Yang (luò yáng 洛阳) as the capital of the state. However,he didn’t take all of this for granted,in fact,in the very depth of his heart,he never forget the tremendous contributions from his royal partner—Feng Yi. Before long,in order to pay a tribute to him,the king appointed Fengyi as the vassal of one region,where he was free to exercise power.

Time flied quickly,five year later,Feng Yi went to Luo Yang to pilgrimage the king. Undoubtedly,Liu Xiu gave him a very warm welcome as soon as he arriving. After the dinner,he introduced Feng Yi to other officials around in a grateful tone:"You see,the guy standing there is the one who broke through brambles and thorns for me during the harsh revulutionary times,who wiped out the enemies,who paved the way for the foundation of our thriving country. It’s safe to say that ,without his heart and soul sacrifice,I would be nobody now. He is a real hero of the country!”

Afterwards,“break through brambles and thorns” was used as an idiom describing the individual who exert himself to get htrough the bad situation in the road of pursuing his dream.

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