看日出Going to See the Sunrise
When the day begins, it comes with the rise of the sunrise, people like to watch the sunrise, because it is the beginning of a day. I heard the sunrise is very beautiful, so I decide to see it with my friends. Early in the morning about five o’clock, we wake up and go to the highest floor, then half an hour later, the sunrise comes, I am so lucky to witness the amusing moment. 一天的开始伴随着日出的升起,人们喜欢看日出,因为那是一天的开始。我听说日出很美丽,因此我决定和朋友们看日出。大约早上五点钟,我们就起床,去到最高的楼层,半个小时以后,日出就升起来了,我很幸运目睹了这个美妙的时刻。