My classmate English Composition
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英语作文:我的同学My classmate
作文zuò wén
1. [write a composition]∶撰写文章
2. [composition]∶学生的写作练习详细解释
1. 撰写文章。
《汉书·师丹传》:“君子作文,为贤者讳。” 宋 范仲淹 《岳阳楼记》:“乃重修 岳阳楼 ,增其旧制,刻 唐 贤今人诗赋于其上,属予作文以记之。” 金 王若虚 《<新唐书>辨中》:“ 温庭筠 数举进士不第,思神速,多为人作文。” 鲁迅 《花边文学·“彻底”的底子》:“用字要平常,作文要明白。”2. 指学生的写作练习。
夏 尊 叶圣陶 《文心》三:“星期六的第一堂是国文课的作文。许多同学进了中学校,这还是第一次作文。”“作文”英文解释:
1.a composition write a composition
英语作文:我的同学My classmate正文开始:
She is my classmate, She sits near me.
She is a tall beautifull girl with a long black hair.She is warmhearted.
She is always ready to help others,She is also kind to us.My Maths isn’t very good.
She always give me a helping hand and let me make much progress.She is also very helpful.
She always donates much money to the poor.
It is four years since I met her.In one word She is my example.