
肩上的担子 The Burden of the Shoulder

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A farmer took on firewood by tramping over mountains and through ravines every day, In order to get a day's rations and let his son goes to school with the remaining money.  一位农民每天肩挑柴禾翻山越岭,为了换取一天的口粮钱,并用剩余的钱供儿子上学。  When his son came back in summer vacation, his father let him pick firewood and sell it in order to cultivate his hardship spirit. His son felt reluctant that take on firewood by tramping over mountains and through ravines, so he gave up finally. The father can't be helped, so he sighed and let his son rest at the side. He still took on firewood day by day.  儿子放暑假回来,父亲为了培养儿子的吃苦精神,便叫儿子替他挑柴禾上集市去卖。儿子不情愿地挑了一挑,翻山越岭肩挑柴禾着实把他给累坏了,最后放弃了。父亲没办法,只好叹着气让儿子一边歇着去,自己还是一天接一天挣钱养家糊口。  There's many a slip between the cup and the lip. The father was ill and he cannot get up. There was no income in home, so his son decided to provoke the burden of life. The sun had not yet risen, while the son learned his father cut firewood and sell it at the bazaar. Nevertheless, he was not a bit tired.  可天有不测风云,父亲不幸病倒了,起不了床。家里失去了生活来源,儿子终于挑起了生活的重担。每天天不亮,儿子学着父亲的样子上山砍柴,然后挑着去集市卖,尽管如此,一点也不觉得累。  “Son, don’t tired out!” the father looked at his son busy figure felt pitying and loving and said to him. The son stopped the work and said to his father:“It is strange that I feel tired when you asked me to do, however, I fell the burden more and more light even though I pick the more heavy ”  “儿子,别累坏了身子!”父亲又怜又爱地看着儿子忙碌的身影说。儿子这时停下手中的活儿,对父亲说:“爸爸,真是奇怪,刚开始您叫我挑柴时,我觉得特别累,怎么现在我挑得越来越重,相反倒觉得担子越来越轻了呢?”  The father nodded his head approvingly and said to his son:” your body's endurance is training out and It is important of your mature.”  父亲赞许地点点头,说道:“你身体的承受能力练出来了,更多的是因为你心理成熟的缘故啊!”  This story tells us: to think of ourselves as stronger in life and bear the burden of life willingly.  这个故事告诉我们:要想象自己是生活的强者,而且愿意承担生活的重担

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本文标题:肩上的担子 The Burden of the Shoulder - 小学英语作文_小学生英语作文


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