英语E-mail抄这本就够了 Unit 13-9:忘记取消订单的道歉
Dear Mr. Coleman,
We are very sorry for the failure to cancel your order NO. 76541 in time. This was our oversight and we will accept the return of the goods sent to you. We have instructed the department in charge to be more careful next time and make sure such an error won't happen again.
未能及时取消您的 76541 号订单,我们感到非常抱歉。由于是我方的疏忽所造成的,所以我们接受贵公司的退货。我们已指示经办部门以后更加小心,并确保这类错误会再发生。
Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience it caused you.
Yours sincerely,
CP Co.
CP 公司 谨上
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