
BEC考官教你商务英语写作 第二章非图表描述:Unit 2 饼图描述

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方法一, 比较级和最高级
The most popular car colour is white.
The second most common colour is red.
Red is considerably more common than blue.
在这句句型中,我们还可以把副词considerably 更换成substantially, a lot,far,much,somewhat,significantly,slightly和fractionally(微乎其微地,很细微地)等词,以此来表示一个饼图当中不同份额之间的差异。这样的写法类似于第一单元中对上升或下降幅度进行限定的副词用法。同时,A比B不仅可以多或好,还可以不如对方。
Blue is far less popular than red.
White is about twice as common as red.
方法二, 确定性地描述某一事物在饼图中所占份额
饼图写作与柱状图和线形图写作另一个比较明显的区别是饼图中会非常清楚地标示出每一分所占的比例是多少。因此从语言学习的角度来看,大家就必须要掌握描述份额的巨型。可以引出份额的动词有: be,make up(组成),constitute(vt.构成,组成) ,account for.
White, which is 56.11%, is considerably more common than blue,which makes up 12.72%. Red, which constitutes 28.05%, is about twice as popular as blue,which is 12.72%. The other colors, which constitute 3.12%, are considerably less popular than blue(12.72%).

White(56.11%)is considerably more common than blue(12.72%). 使用定于从句A relative clause(which + appropriate verb: is, makes up, constitutes,accounts for)
considerably adv.
Red,which constitutes 28.05%, is about twice as popular as blue, which is 12.72%. Practice练习
1. 下面这个练习要求描述4幅相关的饼图。在做这个练习之前,大家需要了解一个写作思路:如果单独描述一个饼图会比较简单,只要遵循上面提到的两种方法就可以了。这里的4个饼图是描述一个事件在4个阶段的变化,这时解决问题的方法又回到了该章第一单元“描述趋势变化”的核心问题上。请大家练习一下。
Many women wants or need to continue working even after they have children. The charts below show the working patterns of mothers with young children to care for.
Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information in the charts below.

2. The two pie charts below show a)the three main types of shop which sell your company's products, and b) the proportion of your sales that each type of shop handle in 1994 and 1995.
Using the information from the charts, write a short report which describes the situation in 1994 and compares it with the situation in 1995.

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本文标题:BEC考官教你商务英语写作 第二章非图表描述:Unit 2 饼图描述 - 商务英语写作_外贸英语函电_英语应用文写作


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