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英文博客网:一个写英语日记和英语周记的好地方! China Classifieds!

样信 1

Dear Mr. Sutherland,

We were very pleased to receive your letter of March 26 placing 1 a large order 2 with us.

Before we can send the goods, we must ask you for the usual references 3 , one from your bank and one from another firm from whom you have bought goods. We would be glad if you would let us have the names and addresses as soon as possible so that we may write to them. These references will, of course, be treated 4 as private 5 and confidential 6 .

We look forward to hearing from you again soon.

Yours sincerely

样信 2

Dear Sirs,

Our client, China National Import & Export Corp., has asked us for information about the Auto Engineering Co., Ltd. in London, England, as the latter would request a standing 1 credit 2 of USD 5,000 to start business.

We know the Auto Engineering Co., Ltd., but our knowledge of the company is limited to a few months trading 3 with a firm in Shanghai on an L/C basis. We should, therefore, like to know whether or not their financial and credit standing are sound so that we may respond to CNIEC.

The only reference given by the Auto Engineering Co., Ltd. is their bank, National Bank of London. We shall be most grateful for any information you can obtain 4 for us.

Your faithfully

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本文标题:资信咨询StatusInquiry - 商务英语写作_外贸英语函电_英语应用文写作


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