- Withdrawal of Credit on Past Due Account 2
- Dear Your goodwill is extremely important to us. That is why we have allowed you to continue to charge purchases to your account in spite of your outstanding balance. We cann...
2018-12-12 商务英语写作_外贸英语函电_英语应用文写作 -
- Withdrawal of Credit on Past Due Account 1
- Dear Your file was just placed on my desk for disposition. It seems that your account is seriously past due. We have valued your business for many years, and can only hope that this...
2018-12-12 商务英语写作_外贸英语函电_英语应用文写作 -
- Welcome to Our Family of Customers and Friends
- Dear Welcome to our valued family of customers and friends. I noted that you recently placed your first order with our company, and wanted to take this opportunity to extend a wa...
2018-12-12 商务英语写作_外贸英语函电_英语应用文写作 -
- Welcome to New Tenants
- Dear It is our pleasure to welcome you as new tenants of(name) Apartments. We hope that you will avail yourselves of the amenities that we offer including the swimming pool, sauna...
2018-12-12 商务英语写作_外贸英语函电_英语应用文写作 -
- Welcome New Customer
- Dear Thank you for your new account and your first order of(description) We are pleased in being able to provide you with this sample of our quality products and look forward to o...
2018-12-12 商务英语写作_外贸英语函电_英语应用文写作 -
- Welcome Discount for New Enterprise
- Gentlemen: Please accept our congratulations and best wishes for your success in your new enterprise. Our purpose in writing this letter is to welcome you to the community and fa...
2018-12-12 商务英语写作_外贸英语函电_英语应用文写作 -
- Verification of Employment and Letter of Recommendation
- TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This will confirm that Jonathan Deering has been employed by Electro Corp. for approximately four years. During his tenure of employment, he has displayed a u...
2018-12-12 商务英语写作_外贸英语函电_英语应用文写作 -
- Waiver of Confidentiality
- Date: _ I, the undersigned employee, acknowledge that my employer has received a request from _, for certain information relating to my employment. I hereby grant my employer full p...
2018-12-12 商务英语写作_外贸英语函电_英语应用文写作 -
- Verification of Employment, Without Reference
- Dear In response to your request for verification of employment for (name of applicant) , our records indicate that(s)he worked for us from (date) to (date) The position that (name of app...
2018-12-12 商务英语写作_外贸英语函电_英语应用文写作 -
- Waiver of Landlord's Claim to Annexed Fixtures
- CKNOWLEDGEMENT by and between _ (Landlord), and _(Tenant), For good consideration it is agreed that Landlord hereby waives all claim to certain equipment, fixtures, improvements,accessories or appurtena...
2018-12-12 商务英语写作_外贸英语函电_英语应用文写作 -
- Unlimited Guaranty
- FOR GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, and as an inducement for _ (Company), to extend credit to _ (Borrower), the undersigned jointly and severally and unconditionally guaranty to Company the...
2018-12-12 商务英语写作_外贸英语函电_英语应用文写作 -
- University Acceptance Letter
- Dear Congratulations on your acceptance to the (name of university) You are now challenged with making the very important decision of selecting which college or university you are...
2018-12-12 商务英语写作_外贸英语函电_英语应用文写作 -
- 怎样写促销信
- 怎样写促销信 销售对于企业来说可是个重头戏。除了要把握各种交易会的机会、面对面的推销外,还要寻找任何可能的机会,给那些潜在的客户写推销信,让对方对自己的产品感兴趣,从而可能有面谈的机会、交...
2018-12-12 商务英语写作_外贸英语函电_英语应用文写作 -
- 促销信写作实例 (1)
- 促销信写作实例(一) 说了那么多,还是要看写出来的真功夫。下面就是一篇促销信的实例。这封信是从加强潜在客户对产品使用便利的认识方面来入手促销的,我们来看看写得如何。 Dear Customer When...
2018-12-12 商务英语写作_外贸英语函电_英语应用文写作 -
- 商务信函措辞要讲究
- 商务信函措辞要讲究 英语是国际商业交流的通用语言,但你是否知道如何让你的书面英语给别人留下深刻的印象呢? 良好的第一影响 试着用“salutation”制造一个好印象。作为一封信的开始,你还要...
2018-12-12 商务英语写作_外贸英语函电_英语应用文写作 -
- 促销信写作实例 (2)
- 促销信写作实例 如果促销产品的详细说明是要和促销信一起送至潜在客户手中的话,那促销信中就不必仔细介绍产品的功用。此时,促销信的主要目的是引起潜在客户的兴趣和购买欲望,因此要写得简短且有吸...
2018-12-12 商务英语写作_外贸英语函电_英语应用文写作 -
- 特别理赔信写作范例 (1)
- 特别理赔信写作范例(一) 有些商家是秉承“售出概不退换”的原则的。如果偏偏在这样的商家买的东西出了问题,该怎样去争取理赔呢?我们看看下面这位客户是怎样争取让商家给他换有毛病的丝巾的吧。 D...
2018-12-12 商务英语写作_外贸英语函电_英语应用文写作 -
- 特别理赔信写作范例 (2)
- 特别理赔信写作范例(二) 商品出了毛病,卖家却一再推卸责任。这样的索赔可实在是个艰辛的斗争过程。我们看看下面这位用户是怎么写这样一封理赔要求信的吧! Gentlemen Your Super Electric hous...
2018-12-12 商务英语写作_外贸英语函电_英语应用文写作 -
- 催款信常用表达
- 催款信常用表达 上次我们介绍了催款信的写作原则,这次我们来看一些催款信常用的语言表达。 1. 开头语 1) You have not responded in any way to our recent letters about your past due ac...
2018-12-12 商务英语写作_外贸英语函电_英语应用文写作 -
- 如何写证明书
- 如何写证明书 证明书种类很多,有工作经历证明、工作经验证明、病情证明、留学生经济担保书、学业成绩证明书等等,是用来证明一个人的身份、学历、婚姻状况、身体情况等或某一件事情的真实情况。证...
2018-12-12 商务英语写作_外贸英语函电_英语应用文写作 -
- 如何写慰问信
- 如何写慰问信 慰问信是公司间友好往来的信种之一。商业伙伴出了事故或是公司要人去世,都应该写一封慰问信,以表示关心。这样的友好往来也会给双方的关系带来好处。 慰问信一定要注意措词和语气...
2018-12-12 商务英语写作_外贸英语函电_英语应用文写作 -
- 怎样写祝贺信
- 怎样写祝贺信 当获悉某人晋升或是在事业上取得巨大成就时,应该打个电话或是写封便签祝贺。这种友好往来对建立和巩固友好的商业合作关系大有益处。 Here are some principles that congratulat...
2018-12-12 商务英语写作_外贸英语函电_英语应用文写作 -
- 祝贺信写作实例
- 祝贺信写作实例 上次我们讲过了祝贺信写作应遵循的一些准则,这次我们通过一封信件来看看具体的写作方法。 Dear Mr. Haskel Congratulations on your recent promotion to head the Marketi...
2018-12-12 商务英语写作_外贸英语函电_英语应用文写作 -
- 如何答谢祝贺信
- 如何答谢祝贺信 有来有往才是礼尚往来。别人给你写了祝贺信,你应该回复一下,如此方不伤礼貌。那么,该如何回复这类友好信件呢? 我们用一封实例信来说明。 Dear Mr. Owens Many thanks for your...
2018-12-12 商务英语写作_外贸英语函电_英语应用文写作 -
- 如何写催款信
- 如何写催款信 总有一些不良商家做买卖的时候故意拖欠货款,当然也有的是因为资金一时周转不灵,而导致拖欠货款。卖家就得费点心思去讨债了。下面我们就来看看文雅一点的催款方式:催款信的写法。...
2018-12-12 商务英语写作_外贸英语函电_英语应用文写作