
小明的一天 Xiao Ming’s Day

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Xiao Ming has many things to do on Sunday. In the morning, he sometimes goes to the Beihai park with his friends by bike.They play games there,such as board games, boating or fishing. Buthe usuallygoes to his school library,reading books or doing his homework. He thinks that morning is the best time to study. After reading books, he often goes to the gym to play soccer in the afternoon.During the game time, he can have fun with his friends as well as build a healthy body.In the evening, he goes home and then has dinner. After dinner, he always plays computer games or watches TV, sports programs are his favorites. He usuallygoes to sleep at 10 o’clock andgets up at seveno'clock.


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本文标题:小明的一天 Xiao Ming’s Day - 初中英语作文_初中生英语作文_七年级英语作文


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