
写作: Treasure What we Have

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Treasure What we Have

Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled Treasure What We Have.Your essay should start with a brief description of the picture. You should wirte at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

Treasure What We Have

As is vividly depicted in the picture above, the two small fish in the left fishbowl envy the big fish in the right one for he can enjoy the big fishbowl by himself, while the big fish envies the twoo small fish for they have a companion. Then the fish in the two fishbowls exchange their "houses" and when they have been in each other's "houses",they don't find anything different from where they lived before.

Simple as the picture is, the maening behind it is as deep as ocean. Such a remark draws our attention to the fact that we always treasure the things that we haven't obtained, but forget the ones that we already have gotten. This is exactly the reason why we always think that "the grass is greener on the other side of the fence", and also it is the explanation to most of the regretes in life.

Just as a proverb says,"We never know the worth of water till the well is dry." That is to say, we won't be conscious of how important something is until the moment we lost it. To avoid this, it's advisable for us to stop envying others for what they have and to treasure what we have.

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