
关于私家车的弊端 The Disadvantages of Private Cars

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As cars are more affordable nowadays, the number of private car owners spurs. With cars, we can go anywhere anytime we want. However, for the sake of protecting our environment and of the public travelling convenience, it is a bad news.  当今,由于很多人都能买得起车,所以拥有私家车的人数猛增。有了车,我们可以在任何时候到任何我们想去的地方。但是,对于保护环境和公众出行方便方面来说,这无疑是一个坏消息。  First, more private cars mean more pollution. As the number of private cars increases sharply, the off gas surges. Consequently, the air quality is decreasing and even affects our health. In consideration of our environment and our health, I don’t think private cars bring us good to both our planet’s environment and our health.  首先,私家车越多,就会产生越多的污染。由于私家车数量猛增,汽车尾气排放量也随之骤增。结果,空气质量越来越差,甚至影响到我们的身体健康。考虑到保护环境以及为了我们的身体健康,我认为私家车不会对我们的地球环境和我们的身体健康产生有利的影响。  Second, people are tending to drive cars themselves going to work so that the traffic jam is serious in most cities. Whenever you go and look around in cities, you can see lots of cars not only parking along the road but also runs on the street. Especially around morning and evening, you can hardly move a step if you drive a car because of the heavy traffic. No matter how many roads the government has built, without lessening the number of the private cars, the need for road is always bigger than the supplied. Therefore, the most effective way is to encourage people take public transportation so that we can facilitate ourselves and also others.  其次,人们倾向于开私家车去上班,这导致了大多数城市交通拥堵。不管任何时候,只要你到城市逛一圈,就会发现不仅路边停了很多车,而且路上也有大量的车流量。特别是在早上和傍晚的时候,如果你驾车出行的话,由于交通非常拥挤,你开车寸步难行。如果不减少私家车数量的话,不管政府建设多少条道路,总是不能缓解交通拥堵现象。所以,最有效的方式就是鼓励人们乘坐公共交通方式出行,这样的话不仅能够方便我们自己,也能方便他人。  All in all, private cars are so convenient for us to getting around. However, take our air environment, our health and the convenience of public life into account; we shouldn’t encourage people to buy more private cars. Instead, we should persuade people to take public transportation as often as possible to make our environment better and better.  总之,私家车是能够为我们出行提供便利。但是,考虑到我们的环境,我们的身体健康以及公众生活的便利,我们不提倡人们买更多的私家车。相反,我们应该鼓励人们尽可能多的乘坐公共交通方式出行,以此来使我们的环境更加好。


本文标题:关于私家车的弊端 The Disadvantages of Private Cars - 大学英语作文_大学英文作文_大学生英语作文网


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