Shenzhen English Corner

创业的好处 The Advantage of Running a Computer

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Finding jobs is the problem that everyone has to meet when they graduate from university. With the increasing difficulty of finding jobs for graduates, this problem becomes more and more serious. So, there are more and more people start to run a company. Actually, running a company has many advantages.


First of all, running a company can release the employment stress. From the general aspect, the more students run companies, the less stress of employment pressure will be. As a part of students can solve their employment problem by themselves, the society will have fewer students to take up the limited positions. From personal aspect, if a student can solve their problem by running a company, he doesn’t need to stand the stress from finding no jobs.


Secondly, running a company can help student grow up quickly. Nowadays, graduates are very pure in school. They don’t experience too much before they enter the society. However, they must experience a lot when running companies. Most of those things are not learned in school. And that can help them grow up quickly. It is good for them.


To sum up, running a company has many advantages. It is not only benefiting for students themselves, but also for the society. I think our society should encourage students running companies.


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