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  A New Partner Admitted

  1. I inform you that I have taken into partnership with Mr. Y. Yokota, who has for many years acted as my manager.
  2. The business will be carried on as before, the name of the firm remaining unchanged.
  3. In consequence of my having taken into partnership my brother James Harrison, the business of the establishment will hence-forward be conducted under the firm of Harrison & Brother.
  4. We feel confident that our experience and local knowledge will enable us to give you entire satisfaction, whenever you may require our services.
  5. I shall be glad if you will take note of the signatures of the new partners as under.
  6. We request your attention to the signatures of our new partners.
  7. Mr. T. Waterman, eldest son of our partner, will be admitted a member of the firm, the style of which will be altered to that of Messrs. Waterman, Son & Ford.
  8. I have taken into partnership with Mr. M. G. Wells, and with his cooperation will carry on this business under the style of - Johnson & Wells.
  9. We inform you that we have this day admitted Mr. L. F., son of our senior, as a partner in our firm.
  10. I have much pleasure in informing you that I have taken into partnership with Mr. M. T., who has been managing the firm since its establishment.
  11. I have the pleasure to inform you that Mr. R.E. has joined me in partnership, and that as from the 1st January, 19--, the style of the firm will be C.&E.
  12. We inform you that Mr. F.H.F. has been admitted a partner in our firm, and respectfully request your attention to his signature at foot.
  13. We are taking in Mr. A. B. as a partner under that date, and the business will then be conducted under the name of D.C. & Co.
  14. We notify you that we have today taken into partnership with Mr. F.S., who has had charge of our shipping department for the past ten years.
  15. I inform you that I have taken into partnership with Mr. T. W., who has for many years acted as my head clerk, and that the business will be carried on as before, the name of the firm remaining unchanged.
  16. In order to testify my satisfaction with the zeal and assiduity of Mr. P. L., eldest son of our senior partner Mr. E. L., we have received this gentleman as a partner to our firm, in which he has already served during the last eight years.
  17. the firm of W. & H., of which I was a member, having been dissolved, I inform you that I have taken into partnership with my son, Mr. M. W., and Mr. J. G. who has for many years traveled for the late firm.
  18. Mr. R. S. will withdraw, and his son. Mr. A. S., will be admitted a partner, with his father's share in the capital and profits of the firm.
  19. I have pleasure in advising you that, owing to the large increase in my business engagement. I have taken into partnership with my senior traveler, Mr. S. W., who is thoroughly conversant with all its details of management. The name of the firm remains as before.
  20. As you will see from the enclosed circular, I have been taken into partnership by Mr. A. W., and shall consequently have to deny myself the privilege of a regular call.
  21. We have great pleasure in advising you that, on and after the 1st May, Mr. W.P., the eldest son of our senior partner, will be admitted a member of the firm, the style of which will be altered to that of Messrs. P.,Son & W.
  22. We apprise you that, being desirous of rewarding the faithful and valuable services of Mr. H. T., who has been our confidential clerk for many years past, we will, from and after the 31st July, admit him to a share in our business, altering our firm to W.T. & Co., and we request your attention to the signatures of the respective partners at foot.
  23. We inform you that we have taken into partnership with Mr. Satoh, who has for many years acted as our manager.
  24. We have this day admitted Mr. Toya as a partner in our firm.
  25. I have pleasure in advising you that, owing to the large increase in my business engagement, I have taken into partnerhsip with my senior traveller, Mr. Araki.
  26. We have great pleasure in advising you that, on and after the 1st prox., Mr. Y. Yada will be admitted a member of the firm.
  27. We are taking in Mr. Kaji as a partner and the business will then be conducted under the firm-name of Saka, Kaji & Co.
  28. In consequence of the decease of Mr. Gotoh, my much valued partner, certain changes in the firm have become necessary, and I have the pleasure to inform you that I have entered into partnership with Mr. Todo.
  29. In consequence of the decease of Mr. Wada, my esteemed partner, the firm of Yamoto Shokai has undergone some necessary changes, and I have the pleasure to inform you that I have entered into partnership with Mr. Uchida.
  30. I inform you that, owing to the decease of my friend and partner, Mr. Y. Wada, I have taken into partnership with Mr. T. Toda, and with his cooperation will carry on this business under the style of-Towada Shokai.
  31. As you will see from the enclosed circular, I have been taken into partnership by Mr. Akita.
  32. No changes will be made in the name of the firm , which will be continued under the style of-Tada & Co.
  33. I have entered into partnership with Mr. Furuya.
  8、我已邀请M•G•威尔士先生加入我公司,在他的合作下敝公司易名为 — 约翰逊与威尔士。

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