

阅读 :

  Opening a Branch Office

  1. I inform you that I have recently opened a branch establishment for the sale of my woollens at 10. Jimbocho, Kanda.
  2. As the volume of our trade with China is constantly increasing, we have this day opened a new branch in Bejing.
  3. I inform you that I have this day opened a new branch establishment in Osaka, and have entrusted the management thereof to Mr. t. Kono.
  4. I have committed the management of the branch to Mr. F. Newman, a gentleman on whose zeal, ability, and integrity, I place the utmost reliance.
  5. We have placed the management of the new branch in the hands of our partner, Mr. S. Sato.
  6. Kindly note that, from this day, the goods from my manufacture at Dairi will be supplied direct only by my Kobe branch house.
  7. Please, therefore, consider such goods as bear the mark "T.H.", as genuine, only when offered directly by my Seattle house.
  8. We trust that you will continue to favour us with your orders, which at all times, shall have our best attention.
  9. For the convenience of our customers, we have decided to open a new branch in New York, and have appointed our Mr. M. Hammer the manager.
  10. We shall feel obliged if, instead of sending your kind inquiries and orders directly to our Tokyo Branch, you will, in future, place them with him.
  11. I inform you that I have recently opened a branch establishment for the sale of my wollen goods generally, at     10 Tower Street, Chicago.
  12. Our business having become so extended, we have established a branch under the style of Tokyo-ya.
  13. We are pleased to inform you that we have this day established a new branch of our business in London at 10, S. J., and have appointed Mr. C. H. our manager.
  14. We have opened a new branch in this district, for the convenience of our customers who wish to obtain clothing of the newest style and most reliable quality at reasonable prices.
  15. The requirements of the new branch being supplied from our own warehouses, you will be served with regard to both quality and price as formerly.
  16. We have pleasure in announcing that, owing to a large increase in the volume of our trade with the north of Europe, we have decided for the convenience of our customers to open a new branch in Liverpool and have appointed our Mr. A.F. the manager.
  17. Desirous of establishing in the city a branch of my house. I acquaint you that I have committed the management thereof to Mr. J.N.
  18. We should be glad to have a call from you at our branch near your home, or at any of our downtown branches.
  19. If one of our downtown branches would be more convenient for you, the same credit facilities will be gladly extended to you at any of them.
  20. You will appreciate the convenience of a credit account in our new branch.

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