delegation (n.) group of delegates代表团
[例] The Shanghai Trade Delegation was warmly received at Hong Kong Spring Commodities Fair.
deliver (v.) transport goods to a customer送货
[例] You as the VIP customer can choose the way how we deliver our product to you and the charge will be free.
delivery cycle (n.) time from receipt of customer order to shipment供货周期
[例] We should try to shorten the delivery cycle.
demand (n.) 1. request for payment请求偿付
[例] First demands were issued to all late payers.
2. need for products and services at a certain price需求
[例] We are having difficulty meeting demand.
demand management (n.) series of activities to recognize and manage all the demands for products需求的监督和调节
[例] They decided to carry out demand management to get information from consumers.
demotivated (adj.) not interested失去动力的
[例] The depression of economy demotivated them at last.