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  You work in the Accounts Department and areresponisble for checking employees' expenses. Writea 40-50 word memo to staff:

  reminding them of the importance of receipts

  telling them how expenses will be paid

  saying how long expenses payments take toprocess.


  to: all staff

  from: miss Z

  subject: expense claim

  dear sirs or madams[1],

  please remember to claim your expenses to the company. we would like to collect therelevant receipts to reimburse. [2]as usually, [3] the expenses will be paid with cash or chque.and it may take one week at most for expenses payment to take to process.




  [2]你让谁报销?身份错了。And remember to keep the relevant receipt for us to check.

  [3]As usual


  To: All staff

  From: Jackey Cheng

  Subject: Expenses

  May I remind all staff that you need to enclose receipts when you claim all expenses?Claims will not be accepted without receipts. Expenses are paid by cash or cheque which youcould choose within two weeks after you claimed them.

  Thank you.


  to: all staff


  subject: receipt of the expenses

  i hope to draw your attention that [1]the expenses will be paid by[2] the receipt, that'smeans you can't claim for the expenses without the receipts. we will check in 4 days [3]


  [1]改为please notice that ....


  [3]The whole process will be 4 days at most.


  To: All staff

  From: Accounts Department

  Subject: Expenses payments

  According to the related regulation of our company, I'd like to remind you all that you canclaim expenses only by your receipts .Please take your formal invoice to the AccountsDepartments and the whole process including checking, signing and paying will cost thirtyminutes. Thank you.

  Well done!


  To: All Staff

  From: Accounts Department

  Subject: Checking Expenses

  Due to accounts policy of our company has been change by this month, so the expensespayment procedure must been change as the same step. [1]Now remind you, the expenseswill be paid, receipts must be taken with every expenses payments, related with the bussiness. [2]

  Thank you.



  [2]前后逻辑乱了。The expenses will be paid with relevant receipts. The whole process will be1 week.

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